View Full Version : Hand tremors?

28-08-17, 21:56
Hi all

I was wondering if anyone else's hands/fingers get tremors when held in a certain way?

I'm almost wondering if they're not even tremors since it only does it when it is held a certain way.

For me, my hands shake the most when my wrist is bent upwards and my fingers are half bent (midway between being in a fist and fully extended)

I have BFS and have read that tremors are pretty common with BFS...but I don't even know if its a tremor

My hands are just pretty shaky when held in a certain position


28-08-17, 22:40
My hands shake constantly due to stress and anxiety. It is definitely more noticeable in certain positions!

Catherine S
28-08-17, 22:55
Firstly, sorry for my ignorance but what is BFS? Secondly, the hand position you describe results in making a claw shape...is this something you do for a particular reason? That position when I tried it was quite painful on my wrist, probably because forcing my hand backwards puts strain on it, and I also experieneed some trembling...so its not something I'd choose to do regularly.

Cath S ☺

28-08-17, 23:14
what is BFS?

Benign Fasciculation Syndrome

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
28-08-17, 23:25
Ahh, thank you Fishmanpa. Well reading up on it it seems that tremors would be part of the condition, and apparently stress can make the tremors worse...as it can for any of us with or without the condition.

I still don't understand why people contort their limbs into such unusual positions though, quite a few ask us to try these various positions and they are painful to say the least, and not at all logical :shrug:

Cath S ☺

28-08-17, 23:39
Ahh, thank you Fishmanpa. Well reading up on it it seems that tremors would be part of the condition, and apparently stress can make the tremors worse...as it can for any of us with or without the condition.

I still don't understand why people contort their limbs into such unusual positions though, quite a few ask us to try these various positions and they are painful to say the least, and not at all logical :shrug:

Cath S ☺

I first noticed it while I had one hand on my keyboard and one the other hand using my trackpad, if you can envision that, its a REASONABLE way to have my hand/wrists, but I admittedly have bad keyboard posture

I am glad to know this seems to be common/normal though :p

Catherine S
28-08-17, 23:51
Ahh, it's the position of your hand when using a home or office computer keyboard? Yes, that would do it for sure. In the past in my office, people who were prone to this particular hand stress could use a wrist support cushion to alleviate it.

Cath S ☺

29-08-17, 00:49
Think of positions this way - pick up a bag of potatoes and hold them with a bent arm out the side of your body (or to the front) and see just how much your arm starts to shake.

Lactic acid build up. The bodies natural safety mechanism to stop up lifting so many weights we damage our bodies beyond repair.

Judging your body based on awkward positions is even worse anyway. There is a reason we can lift less in what are called isolation exercises and even in any compound exercise you can make it harder to bring on the burn quicker.

Then we have the issue of a too much adrenaline...which makes limbs shake anyway. You've only got to look at someone suffering shock to understand how much it can make you shake.