View Full Version : Effexor XR 300 mg : Day 49, feel nothing

29-08-17, 14:10
Hi, I dont know what to do.. wait more time or change for Prozac, I'm desperate because it's not fun for me and my family to be like that all the time. I also take Remeron 45 mg at night since a week.

In the past 20 mg Prozac worked first 2 weeks in combination with Remeron 15 mg. I think a higher dosage would be better for longer time

29-08-17, 15:13
Are you being treated principally for anxiety or depression? You should have felt an improvement by now and I think it would be wise to see your doctor again about changing to another med. I'm surprised you say Prozac helped you in "first 2 weeks" because it's usually very slow-acting, but we all react differently I guess. And going for a higher dose doesn't always mean a better result, so I would personally start on 20mg and see how you progress as meds don't always affect us in the same way second time round. I think the addition of mirt to Prozac can be effective, however. All the best.

29-08-17, 20:24
Yes for depression and anxiety but more depression, I have no energy and want to do nothing, my brain is zero.
I stopped Prozac in the past because week 2,3,4 it did nothing except make me anxious and after it gave me headache at 5-6 pm every day week 5

29-08-17, 21:32
Maybe you should try Escitalopram or Sertraline along with Mirtazapine. Speak to your doctor ASAP because you shouldn't be suffering like this.