View Full Version : Chest Weirdness

29-08-17, 19:27
So I'm going through some major worry right now over an enlarged pectoral lymph node. The doctor doesn't seem overly concerned after all my bloods came back normal.. The node itself hasn't got bigger since I noticed it, in fact it seems to be around 1-1.5cm but still painful and makes my armpit ache/throb.

My chest has been feeling "off" for a while now and I'm wondering if perhaps anyone has experienced this before because I don't want to go to doctor Google for chest related stuff and drive myself crazy! My sternum feels weird...like it clicks sometimes.. and the ribs are sore! Not so sore that I'm in a great deal of pain or can't breathe, but it feels inflamed and tender. It's both sides, but I notice it mostly at the front of my chest. It all started when I started doing a bit of chest work in classes at the gym. One particular class had us bench pressing and doing push ups and I noticed my chest started to hurt after a few months. It comes and goes.. I don't feel like it's a lung thing, definitely something to do with my ribs connecting to my breastbone.. My knees are pretty bad too if I kneel for too long so don't know if the two are connected somehow?

I know I have a lot of HA and that could also be making my chest feel weird, but I was pretty carefree when I noticed this months back so I don't think it's being triggered by that.. My HA normally gets me in the stomach more than my chest :)