View Full Version : White spots inside upper lip

Lil Smooth
29-08-17, 21:53
so about 8 months ago I noticed these white bumps on my upper lip and my anxiety was so messed up at the time for other reasons related to my health
so I went to the doctor because I was scared it might have been an STD but it wasn't and all my tests came back fine
but to this day the white pumps are still on my upper lip
I cant tell if they spread but they have not gone away
they do not feel itchty and they dont cause discomfort are pain just anxiety
Does anyone out there know what these are?
ill post pics of my lips

29-08-17, 22:08
Totally normal - loads of us have those and they're not harmful.

Your teeth look fine too :shades:

30-08-17, 11:20
Not a doctor but I had a freak out about these, I have alot more than you & sure they are Fordyce (sp?) spots. Absolutely harmless& not linked to anything bad! Just something to do with sebaceous glands. xx