View Full Version : HA flare up - help!!

29-08-17, 22:35
Hi all,
New to the board so let me rewind 9 years ago....

Playing very frantically on Wii Fit (remember those?!) and felt something twang in my chest. Never thought anything of it. Day after right hand side upper chest (next to sternum extending from 2/3rd rib) swollen and prominant ribs. Ibuprofen made it reduce in size in around a month. Soon after noticed my ribs felt strange. One below collar bone and one below that - both nornal with but so prominant. On end of one where it connects sternum, feels like a 'bump' or a ridge to everyone else (to me a tumour!). Three doctors, over countless visits, bloods and x-ray all say normal rib just more obvious than others.

All good and well til now! No change in it whatsoever, no pain, yet convinced myself it's either a soft tissue sarcoma, bone tumour or metastatic breast cancer! My fear prevents me going to the Drs even though deep down I feel no need as no change to diagnosis beforehand. Part of me worries about mis-diagnosis even though - to be frank - if it was cancer I think I'd know about it now.

Having emergency visit to my counsellor tomorrow - hope I can reign this back in. Haven't had a blip for years!!!


30-08-17, 02:16
Interesting that you just started thinking about it again. Any changes in your life going on now that might be causing stress or anxiety or both?

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30-08-17, 07:54
Friend was told breast cancer lump was nothing, for it to grow and be told breast cancer 6 months later. Lot and lot of stress at work. I've gone from worrying it's breast cancer, to bone cancer, to a cancerous lymph node all in 24 hours!

30-08-17, 16:21
So there it is. Makes total sense that a real health scare of someone you know is causing you to fear your health. Happens to me all the time. It's AWFUL.
Here maybe it would help to remind yourself that your friend eventually found the cause and did get treatment. And your tests would have shown up something. Her issue sounds like they didn't do much testing.

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30-08-17, 20:28
I know - I can rationalise and know that after 9 years of ni growth ornchange, the chance of it being anything is pretty much zero but it doesn't help does it? Went to Drs today as emergency as had panic attack at work. Saw advanced NP who did most thorough exam ever. Says same as everyone else. I asked if I should have repeat X-rays, or further imaging to which she replied I could have X-ray but purely for my peace of mind. I declined as nothing has changed since last one. Now worrying I should just have one! I think I'll wait until anxiety settles so that can approach it logically