View Full Version : Punched in the head

30-08-17, 04:38
Hey everyone,today I got into a little scrap with my mom and she hit me in the head (I know that thats terrible and bad but I'm 19 and I can now move out and am planning to,she has hit me in the past a lot) Anyway,she punched me on the top of my head and as soon as she did it of course I had sharp head pains and now I have somewhat of a headache,kinda dizzy maybe. I am worried about a skull/brain bleeding or injury. I looked up things online like an idiot and saw that you can have clear fluid leaking from your nose after a head injury and my nose is runny. Granted I have been crying all day because my grandmother is in the hospital with pneumonia and I am worried for her but even when I'm not crying my nose is still running. The injury happened hours ago and I was also getting out of a car today after the injury and hit the left side of my head with the car door a little hard. Sigh.
Whenever I get hit in the head or whatever I think of Natasha Richardson and what happened to her.

30-08-17, 04:50
I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you. :hugs:

A bang to the head can result in the rare cases like the one you cited but what about the evidence of those that didn't? The boxers punched thousands of times with more force? The kids falling off their bikes constantly?

Any bang to the body results in bruising which brings aches & pains. Nausea too with the head. But unless you were unconscious or vomiting you will very likely be fine.

I hope you get out of this situation.

30-08-17, 05:18
I'm sorry to hear this has happened to you. :hugs:

A bang to the head can result in the rare cases like the one you cited but what about the evidence of those that didn't? The boxers punched thousands of times with more force? The kids falling off their bikes constantly?

Any bang to the body results in bruising which brings aches & pains. Nausea too with the head. But unless you were unconscious or vomiting you will very likely be fine.

I hope you get out of this situation.

Thanks. I'm also scared about what type of pneumonia pathogen my grandmother has. I saw her in the hospital today. She also has Squamous Cell Carcinomia too. The reason I'm scared (idek if this makes sense) but if its Streptococcus bacteria causing it,that bacteria also causes Meningitis. And it ties into if I have that Cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhoea (the clear fluid leaking I'm talking about) because that increases risk of meningitis.

30-08-17, 05:23
You are under a lot of stress right now with the worry over your grandmother so spikes in your own anxiety are very likely as is the emotional unbalancing that anyone can feel.

She's in the best place and given the cancer I'm sure they will be running every test and doing their very best for her. I hope she recovers soon :flowers:

30-08-17, 14:44
CSF Rhinorrhoea is rare and usually happen in like a car wreck or if someone gets punched in the face. The dura gets compromised and CSF leaks out. It's the soft underbelly of the skull, about the consistency of a grape. It's usually unilateral and is uncontrollable. A constant drip drip drip when you lean your head forward. And a constant draining in the back of the throat . A good sign is if the fluid is stringy then it's mucus. Obviously I've had this fear before lol. If you had this you would know. I've known a girl who had it and it's very obvious, that's what helped me realize that I didn't have it. I've assisted in repairs of it also and outta an easy procedure. Basically a skin graft up the nose. I'm sorry about all the things going on in your life, but just stay strong you will get through them all:yesyes:

30-08-17, 21:20
CSF Rhinorrhoea is rare and usually happen in like a car wreck or if someone gets punched in the face. The dura gets compromised and CSF leaks out. It's the soft underbelly of the skull, about the consistency of a grape. It's usually unilateral and is uncontrollable. A constant drip drip drip when you lean your head forward. And a constant draining in the back of the throat . A good sign is if the fluid is stringy then it's mucus. Obviously I've had this fear before lol. If you had this you would know. I've known a girl who had it and it's very obvious, that's what helped me realize that I didn't have it. I've assisted in repairs of it also and outta an easy procedure. Basically a skin graft up the nose. I'm sorry about all the things going on in your life, but just stay strong you will get through them all:yesyes:

Thanks :) Also today my jaw hurts like Im getting random stinging pains...sigh I'm really scared its related to what happened yesterday also my ear hurts too.

30-08-17, 21:25
The pains you're describing are almost certainly linked to tension and stress. Jaw pain is a very common anxiety symptom. You've clearly got a lot going on, so try not to worry about this if you can. Or take a painkiller.