View Full Version : White part of eyes a bit yellow

30-08-17, 16:17
Is it normal for some of the white part of the eye to be a bit yellow?
I was doing so well today until I noticed that. It's as if HA will catch me out no matter what!!
It's more obvious in one eye than the other and I'm sure I would have noticed it at some stage if I always had it (being super tuned in to my body).
I've given up googling symptoms but i can't help worrying that it's a sign that something is wrong, maybe related to the liver or something.
Do other people have this?

30-08-17, 16:20
I was worrying about this last week, if you search my posts you'll see it.

Anyway despite reassurance from both my parents and my husband I went to the Dr's who told me there was nothing wrong with my eyes and they were fine.

I think sometimes with HA we notice things that have always been that way but because we over focus on it our brains convince us that something is amiss.

If you are worried get the GP to check but I bet it's fine and if you look at other peoples eyes you'll probably see the same.

30-08-17, 16:30
Frankly, I feel the same as Munchlet with the exception of paid reassurance from the doctor. IMO, you'd be wasting time and money.

Positive thoughts