View Full Version : L5 S1 calf cramp

30-08-17, 17:12
Ongoing now for avoutn12 weeks. Been to physio and it's not really done much. I get very anxious avout this as for some stupid reason I stupidly googled it and got it into my head it was a clot! I've been to the doctors and they've said it looks like sciatica. My leg never swells or goes hot or anything t just feels like it's burning. Has anyone ever had the horrid burning calf pain that won't go away no matter what! What did you take to ease the pain, any stretched or snxyhing will help!!

30-08-17, 17:17
That does sound like sciatica. I have lower back issues (L4/L5 disc bulge). My doctor told me the best way to treat it is to strengthen the muscles around the injury. I find mine acts up when I've been sitting on my arse too much ;)

Positive thoughts

30-08-17, 17:56
To be honest I've just driven 45 mins each way and ye killing it's bloody awful