View Full Version : Acid reflux feeling like its spiralling out of control!

30-08-17, 17:39
Hello, I am really in a bad place just at the moment. I am increasingly worried about my escalating acid reflux. I have seen so much bad press about PPIs which I have been on for 8 years. I take omeprazole 10mg which isnt really controlling my symptoms so I add a zantac 75 mg at night or when I am bad and I also use gaviscon advance for immediate relief or nighttime relief. The problem is my anxiety is sky high and yes I am trying to address that inany way I can but with very little success. I also have a vomit phobia so the acid reflux is a major trigger symptom for me. I have been looking into things like the fundoplication and the linx device but am very very worried about the tests needed beforehand. I had an endoscopy 7 years ago and n ot much was found. I have just booked to see gastro doctor again and know another endoscopy will be required which is literally terrifying. I swore I would never ever do that again, but the alternative is living like this or worse forever.

I am honestly at a very scary place right now. I cannot go on like this but feel I am up against a wall as I have to face major fears to move forward and even then may end up with no relief. I feel so stuck, desperate and scared. How did a bit of acid reflux get so bad?

Does anyone have any experiences of the tests involved? Endoscopy ph test and manometry? I have to get the strength from somewhere to get through this but right now Im not sure I can do it. Im so tired and exhausted with being scared all the time. I have absolutely no life anymore. None. I just feel so sad.

30-08-17, 17:47
Have you looked into the FODMAP diet? In addition to taking a PPI, it's solved a lot of issues with my wife and I.

Positive thoughts

30-08-17, 17:55
Yeah I've had this' had endoscopy it's not too bad! My reflux is still outta control tho

30-08-17, 18:09
Thanks for commenting. I havent looked into FODMAP, I do eat quite cleanly. I dont eat take away restaurant food or anything fried fresh baked dough bread etc etc. I will have a look for fodmap.

Debden, what did the endoscopy show and what are they doing about your reflux? Did you have to have the PH and manometry? Its all pretty terrifying and I feel like it is just escalating with every day and the more I worry about it.

30-08-17, 18:11
Here ya go! (http://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) Also, keep a journal of foods you eat for a few weeks and I'm sure you'll find, as we did, certain foods as well as when you eat them have something to do with reflux.

Positive thoughts

30-08-17, 19:08
Thank you.

30-08-17, 20:44
Thanks for commenting. I havent looked into FODMAP, I do eat quite cleanly. I dont eat take away restaurant food or anything fried fresh baked dough bread etc etc. I will have a look for fodmap.

Debden, what did the endoscopy show and what are they doing about your reflux? Did you have to have the PH and manometry? Its all pretty terrifying and I feel like it is just escalating with every day and the more I worry about it.

I've had two and both showed nothing which I was shocked about! The endoscopy isn't as bad as everyone seems. They put mine down to anxiety but I know it's not just that. One doc said t could be my LES muscle but they're not doing anything about it yet. I was on ppI but came off them as it was same with or without them

30-08-17, 21:18
i have GERD with gastritis and its a terrible feeling, i am afraid to do an endoscope but eventually will have to, i try to manage with nexium but sometimes it does not help, and it causes me alot of anxiety too.