View Full Version : Brain Tumour!

30-08-17, 22:01
Ok I need some help getting to the bottom of this and some rational thinking because I certainly haven't been thinking properly.

So a list of my symptoms

Increased aura migraine length 2-3 hours from 30 minutes. (Twice)
Tingling cheek
Numbness all over face and forehead (not completely numb just warm and lack of sensation slightly)
Warm hands that also seem to very lightly tingle when warm
Same with feet mainly left foot.
Strange irritating head sensation. Not painful but weird almost overly pleasant if that makes sense.
Vision seems to have gotten worse. Almost like they over focus when looking st phone or TV
Woke up this morning with numb fingers completely numb and felt fat that took ten minutes to get feeling back. (Left band only even though I wasnt laying on that side)
Arms feeling like they're not mine. Almost confused which is my left and which is my right but yet I can use them fine.
Lack of apitite

There may be other things but right now I can't think of them. But for the past 3 weeks I've been having all this go on and doctor just said migraine. Even though I haven't had a migraine now for a couple of weeks so it can't be that.

I have been extremely stressed and extremely anxious so I don't know. Has anyone ever had these symptoms or anything like them. Help me out to think rationally please.

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

Oh and also get like a vibration throughout my whole body but my body isn't moving.

30-08-17, 22:11
Sounds like anxiety/too much cortisol.

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30-08-17, 22:59
I didn't realize that stress and anxiety could cause so many issues and literally debilitate someone

31-08-17, 19:16
Argh just got scared by someone telling me it might be a tumour of some gland in my brain. Seriously. Why can't I shake this fear!

31-08-17, 19:20
Can easily be anxiety or symptoms that are usually secondary to migraines.
The feeling of warmth is classic anxiety for me

Catherine S
31-08-17, 20:50
Who on earth would tell you that for goodness sake? Or do you mean 'someone' on Google?

If a person is in a state of constant fear, their nervous system will produce more symptoms than you can even begin to list here believe me...and then add some more. Fear/anxiety alters everything, every part of your body inside and out. The only other things that can cause all the symptoms are side effects from meds.

Don't know if that's helping you to think more rationally or not. Probably not.


31-08-17, 20:54
Thank you for your reply. No I mean someone actually told me too google symptoms of pituitary brain cancer so like an idiot I did. I'm absolutely terrified tbh I've been anxious 24/7 for weeks about it and the symptoms won't go it's awful

Catherine S
31-08-17, 21:06
I doubt very much that you've got a brain tumour, and not sure that anybody here is going to make you feel less anxious about this, the only person who can advise you really is your doctor.

Cath S x