View Full Version : Lymph node scare came back

31-08-17, 00:20
so i went to my appointment today to get my blood work done to check my enzyme levels and while i was there my doctor wanted to look over my scans for my nodes and after feeling of them and looking over the results he said he doesnt see anything to be overly concerned about but for safe measure he set me up with an ent mid september. i glanced at the scan results and i am sure it said fatty hilum decreased which sort of spooked me because ive read that the hilum should not be decreasing but at the same time decreased fatty hilum is not reliable when suspecting cancer. so the fatty hilum thing seems to be up for debate and that leaves me a little freaked out. the doc ignited my anxiety again today but at the same time soothed the worries a little by not being too worried himself, he said that hes not a specialist and that he would rather an ent take a look to be safe than sorry and when i asked him after looking everything over including all the worries ive brought to the table do you see anything youre concerned with and he said no. i will say the more i read about cancer the less scary it becomes especially lymphoma seeing as how its highly treatable. but i just wanted to put this out there like i do everything else. please leave your thoughts.

31-08-17, 01:01
There is no way in hell anything could be possibly wrong with you considering the length of time your scare has existed. I bet everyone has already told you to let this go and I know it's hard, but for your own sanity, let the thoughts pass away without you building a wall of fear on top of them. You can't possibly be ill after all this time, you really would have shown signs of illness by now. You are healthy, and deep down you know it, you just hope for other peoples reassurance will make you believe it when really you just have to believe it by yourself.

I still have nodes in my neck too and my fear began when yours did too, in fact I remember you saying your ultrasound was fine before I had my referral and I got my own reassurance from that so you can probably see how much it saddens me that your scare is still prevalent. Sooner or later you will have to completely get rid of this fear because you'll realise that it can't possibly be anything, I really hope that epiphany comes fast so you can get back to living and you won't be tortured by this fear anymore.

31-08-17, 10:15
I agree May. I didn't even bring my nodes up to my Doctor, we were chating about football actually and when we finished he was looking over my notes that tue previous doctor left and he asked about my nodes and said are they smaller now and so i felt them and said nope they are still there at this point i was fine and so he came over and poked around but he didn't massage the area with three fingers like some doctors do and he said yeah i feel it and so he said since they are still there after so king he'd rather me see an ent for safe measure and so thats when he pulled out my scan results and looked over it but he was honest and said he didnt know a lot about the results as hes not a specialist so thats the main reason he set me up with an ent. He said that the node is mobile and that its a good sign and that he's not overly concerned. But the thing that really got me is on the scan results i believe it said decreased fatty hilum and i know some sites have said nodes with decreased fatty hilum have a higher chance of being cancer. My timeline is, i discovered the nodes around October 2016, i seen the doctor in January 2017 a week later i had the ultrasound, so its almost been a year since i found them and not much at all has changed from what i can tell.

31-08-17, 12:51
Posted all over the forum FREE. Time to take the dragon by the horns.

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Positive thoughts

31-08-17, 13:53
I know decrease in hilum can be cause by messing with the nodes so that is prob the reason! Mine is still here from months ago and hasnt changed.

01-09-17, 05:02
I thought about the proding thing causing it because the node that i believe said decreased fatty hilum is the one on the left side of my left that i was poking constantly.