View Full Version : Should I be freaking out???

31-08-17, 02:04
So I got my biopsy results back last week over the phone with the medical assistant at my dermatologists office and it was a granular annulare basically an inflammation that can last months to years from insect bites etc... so I took my own stitches out and let the office know and cancelled my follow up. Well they called back and said she wants me to come in one more time to go over my biopsy in detail and look at my wound. If it's what the told me why are we going over it??? I asked again if it's something to worry about and was told no not at all. Ugh!

31-08-17, 02:23
If it's nothing to worry about, I'd recommend not freaking out. "Nothing to worry about", after all, means "nothing to freak out about."

31-08-17, 02:37
I know I know!!! I just wish she would have not needed to see me! I guess I don't get the point since it's benign.

31-08-17, 03:30
Surgeons always do a followup to check wounds. No biggie

31-08-17, 13:50
Well she isn't a surgeon but she is a derm and did a punch biopsy. I just don't get why we have to go over the biopsy if it's a benign condition?! Dreading seeing her at 5:30!

31-08-17, 14:34
Well she isn't a surgeon but she is a derm and did a punch biopsy. I just don't get why we have to go over the biopsy if it's a benign condition?! Dreading seeing her at 5:30!

Standard procedure.

Positive thoughts

31-08-17, 16:11
I had granular annulare on one of the knuckles on my left hand when I was 17 years old. Was told that there was nothing to worry about based on a biopsy. I'm now 68 years old and I'm guessing that the doc was probably right.

31-08-17, 16:15
Thanks Solly!