View Full Version : Ulcer? Reflux? At a loss

31-08-17, 05:59
I've posted about this in the past I'm sure, but I just don't really know what else to do. I'm 23, and I've had this on and off burning in my stomach for almost a year now. I feel really convinced that I have a stomach ulcer of some kind, as burning in the stomach seems to be the main symptom. I've had H. Pylori testing done a year before this started (so roughly two years ago) and it came back negative, and I also rarely take any NSAIDs. I've had my GI and multiple PAs tell me that this is just acid and hunger pangs, but the pills I've been prescribed (first a PPI, and now Zantac for the past two months) haven't helped much. Can reflux even cause burning in the stomach? I'm just so confused :weep:

I'm not sure what to do now except finish my last refill for another month and then see the GI again. I'm just constantly worried that my stomach is just going to start bleeding or something and it's always stressing me out. If anyone has any experience with stuff like this or any advice at all, I'd greatly appreciate it.

31-08-17, 15:13
Where is the pain?

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01-09-17, 06:45
Where is the pain?

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I tend to get the burning toward the upper part of my stomach and nearing my chest. It almost feels like it comes from my stomach and up into my chest sometimes. I feel so convinced it's an ulcer, but I don't have any of the things that make ulcers happen, unless I somehow got a bacteria over the past year. I had so many tests done two years ago (endoscopy, stool test, breath tests) and even MRIs closer than that.

I just am beyond tired of worrying about this. I have a week or two of peace and then I come right back to it. It's just really frustrating :wacko:

01-09-17, 15:14
It sounds like acid reflux to me. I read here that acid is created in the center area of the stomach, so too much production would create the burning. I'm sorry this sounds really frustrating:(
Have antacids worked at all?

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---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

I see you're on Xantac and it isn't working:(.

Stress and anxiety can cause reflux and acid, although the research is unsure of the connection (increase in stress didn't show an increase in acid in their research, but a reduction in stress DID show a reduction of acid, and many identify stress as a trigger).

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02-09-17, 04:59
It sounds like acid reflux to me. I read here that acid is created in the center area of the stomach, so too much production would create the burning. I'm sorry this sounds really frustrating:(
Have antacids worked at all?

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---------- Post added at 14:14 ---------- Previous post was at 14:11 ----------

I see you're on Xantac and it isn't working:(.

Stress and anxiety can cause reflux and acid, although the research is unsure of the connection (increase in stress didn't show an increase in acid in their research, but a reduction in stress DID show a reduction of acid, and many identify stress as a trigger).

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Thank you, that knowledge does help me feel a little better. I take 150mg twice a day, so I'm not really sure what else I can do. Maybe change my diet up? I'm been incredibly underweight for a long time, so naturally I figured it would be safe to just eat whatever to gain weight, but now that I realize I'm not getting much better, maybe it's time to look at the diet stuff.

Sorry, I don't mean to keep going about this. As I said, I'm just frustrated and anxious. I'm sure the doctors will tell me that it's acid (again) when I go in a few weeks, but it's hard to not to think that something in my stomach is just going to burst between now and then.