View Full Version : Panic Attack on date!

31-08-17, 06:26
So I just got back from a date during which I probably had like 3 panic attacks, despite it only being a meet for coffee kind of date!

Basically, I don't normally have panic attacks. The last one I had was months ago and I've now been on Citalopram for 4 weeks and I thought they were working but this latest attack has really knocked my confidence. I feel so vulnerable and fragile, luckily I was able to hide it by excusing myself to the bathroom :weep:

I'm applying to see a Psychiatrist at the moment so maybe he/she can shed some light on these awful experiences :scared15:

31-08-17, 09:19
NEW dates cant put you in a spin.,you would be stressed at meeting up. You get sat down in the coffee shop,and you may stuggle for a conversation and you start to feel hot , so you do one to the toilet. i dont think you had a full blown 3 panic attacks , or everyone in the coffee shop would see you in distress, more a stress related attack, you couldn't come out the toilet 3 times and wing it ,you would look totally distressed, Your date would have to be unconscious not to notice your dilemma :wacko: get checked out if you feel that you are under stress is always a good move

31-08-17, 09:52
It wasn't a severe panic attack but there were 3 definite spikes of anxiety where I felt nauseas, shaky, lightheaded and sweaty. And I wasn't struggling with the conversation because she was doing all the talking :D

I only retreated to the toilet during the first spike and just toughed it out through the next 2. I don't think she noticed luckily.

31-08-17, 10:07
It wasn't a severe panic attack but there were 3 definite spikes of anxiety where I felt nauseas, shaky, lightheaded and sweaty. And I wasn't struggling with the conversation because she was doing all the talking :D

I only retreated to the toilet during the first spike and just toughed it out through the next 2. I don't think she noticed luckily.
GOOD MAN:shades: I remember in those situations before a date i would need the toilet for a crap about 8 times , i would turn up with a baboon arse ///ouch

31-08-17, 15:41
GOOD MAN:shades: I remember in those situations before a date i would need the toilet for a crap about 8 times , i would turn up with a baboon arse ///ouch

Hope that didn't mean a crap date :roflmao:

31-08-17, 16:41
Hope that didn't mean a crap date :roflmao: