View Full Version : Scared I have Ovarian cancer

31-08-17, 09:54
Some one please could you help.

I have got myself so worked up and upset I couldn't sleep at all last night. I have 4 young children and I have convinced myself I am going to die of ovarian cancer.

For the past few weeks I have had a pain in my lower back, and suffering with a lot of headaches, then I missed my period. I am definitely not pregnant, I have tested, and my periods are always regular. I stupidly googled and it said ovarian cancer. I am now so upset and worked up I'm experiencing all of the symptoms it says like going to the toilet more and stomach cramps but my husband things it's because I have gotten myself upset. I have a doctors appointment for next week but I am terrified.

Please can any give me any advice, support? Can anxiety stop periods? Can you stress yourself out so much that you experience symptoms?

Thank you!

31-08-17, 15:15
How old are you?
Anxiety can stop or delay cycles, which can naturally even be between 28 and 31 days - fluctuating.
How old is your youngest child?

Sounds like anxiety yo me.

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20-09-17, 21:23

I am 35 and my youngest child is 3. My period is usually around 32 days and this time it was 40! I have been to my go and she gave me a full blood work up including the ca125 test and everything came back normal other than being anemic. She did a urine test and I had blood in my urinw but everything else was fine. She has booked me a scan for next week, I am so scared it will show something bad even though the bloods were Ok because I have read that test can be normal even if you do have cancer.

07-11-17, 06:35
Did they get to the botton of your blood in urine?