View Full Version : Health anxiety about my wife -246bpm pulse

31-08-17, 16:21
Hello everyone,

Has anyone else had a pulse as high as 246 beats per minute? My wife has episodes every now and again and just had one where her heart rate went up to 246. She took a medicine called metroporol and it went down; but that is just scary high!!!

She had a previous one back in April; and went to the Hospital where it stopped naturally. After that she went to the Cardiologist who did an ekg and an ecg; and said she had a very strong healthy heart. He chalked up her high heart rate to anxiety and proscribed her metroporol and xanax.

She called his office today after her episode, and the nurse said to not even worry about coming in unless she wanted to. The medicine took care of the problem; and since she just had bloodwork and two different scans a few months ago the DR really wouldn't do anything else for her.

I'm still very nervous though; I've had heart rates of 160 or so before while at a panic attack or while working out; and I can't imagine tacking another beat and a half a second onto that.

31-08-17, 20:18
It's a pretty high HR, but if she got the green light from a cardiologist, I would say she will be fine now. It sounds like she got the proper standard tests to rule out anything wrong. The beta blocker and her anxiety medication were able to bring it down so that speaks volume, IMO.

31-08-17, 22:54
Sounds like SVT - supraventricular tachycardia. My husband has it. He can normally bring it down himself with the Valsalva manoeuvre etc, but during his most recent episode his HR got to 250bpm+ and stayed there. I called 911 and they shot him up twice with adenosine. His heart is otherwise perfectly healthy.

01-09-17, 02:22
Sounds like SVT - supraventricular tachycardia. My husband has it. He can normally bring it down himself with the Valsalva manoeuvre etc, but during his most recent episode his HR got to 250bpm+ and stayed there. I called 911 and they shot him up twice with adenosine. His heart is otherwise perfectly healthy.

Wow that is so comforting to hear. Has he tried getting a script for a beta blocker? That worked really well today for my wife

01-09-17, 02:34
His cardiologist prescribed verapamil, a calcium-channel blocker, to take as needed. He's had about half a dozen or so of these episodes over his life. The great thing with this last one was that it was caught on EKG, so it was possible to diagnose SVT (rather than assume it) and rule out more dangerous arrhythmias such as V-tach.

02-09-17, 04:10
Does your wife worry about it?

I freak out about a little quiver I feel with my heart. And I've felt my heart go up to 183 and that felt so horrible I can only imagine how 240+ might feel. :( i hope things get better for your wife.

02-09-17, 20:19
That's too high you guys need to do something about that asap. my hr has gotten up to 170 in afib and they wanted to bring that rate down. 246 is an emergency and needs to be treated. sounds like SVT but theres a few arrythmias that will cause a high heart rate.

04-09-17, 01:43
Paroxysmal (starts and stops abruptly) supraventricular tachycardia. I had it throughout my teens and 20s. Valsalva maneuver stops it most of the time, or you can take meds for it. Dunking your face in super cold water works sometimes, too. Scary and feels strange but it's not dangerous.