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View Full Version : is pure O normal through anxiety ?

31-08-17, 23:49
So 3 years ago I had a panic attack which was my first one and the day later I woke up feeling very weird like I wasn't myself, I felt disconnected. Went to the doctor she said I was fine it was all anxiety and soon found out it wasn't depersonalization, but then I started worry about every mental ilnesss and anything with my health, is this normal ?

01-09-17, 09:16
Hoestly, yeah, "anxiety" in general can cause secondary things like OCD.

At least it did for me, I was hit hard by an anxiety attack one night for the first time in my life, didn't sleep could hardly eat it was terrible. This poor state of mental health allowed some bad "what if" thoughts to take hold. I got locked into this bad thought proces and now I'm dealing with near constant sensorometer OCD as a result. Which is pure O type I guess since I can't stop thinking about it every damn day. I worried about going crazy and everything else you can think of. Obviously none of true. I over analyze every problem I deal with, I'm guessing that really screwed me here.

So yeah, for an anxiety sufferer I'd say what you are experiencing is "normal". Certainly it isn't anything to loose sleep over though. Don't worry about it and just do the best you can to recover and move forward. I found that the more I sat around doing nothing the worse it got. So maybe get outside and get some fresh air as much as you can.