View Full Version : Side effects from cipro? Really scared!

01-09-17, 00:05
I started cipro on Tuesday for a uti and was fine on the first night but the next dose I took in the morning I started getting really bad abdominal cramps and lower back pain that wouldn't pass. For some reason when I manage to pass a bowel movement the pain lessens but for some reason this can take hours and usually I'm writhing in pain all night and not getting much sleep. it also affects my bladder as everything is pushing on it (I suffer from bladder probs regardless of the uti)

I suffer from IBS and GERD so am not sure if perhaps the cipro is escalating my usual symptoms and messing with my stomach and bowels etc. I went to the urgent care today who said it was most likely side effects but to continue as I have no choice since I'm allergic or don't respond to the other antibiotics. I've got three more days to go and everytime I dread taking one plus I am obviously not sleeping well.

Has anyone had similar side effects? It'd weird that they pass when I go to the toilet so I'm guessing it's related to my bowels mostly where the issue is. I also feel nauseous when the pain gets bad and when the acid flares up. I'm hoping the symptoms will pass.

I was kind of silly and googled about cipro and seen loads of horror stories so now I'm paranoid I'm gonna end up with even more problems. The funny thing is Ive taken cipro before once without any issues and I know there are probably tons of other people who have taken it too without issues, but they tend to report about the good results much less :unsure:

Anyway hope someone can reassure me that it'll pass and that it's probably just abdominal upset. I know I went to the urgent care and he didn't seem too worried but health anxiety is so much worse when you're actually ill and suffering. Thanks!

01-09-17, 19:33
Hi! I've been on Cipro about 3 times now for UTI's. I don't recommend reading scary side effects because this is only going to send you into a panic frenzy. Antibiotics are hard on your stomach, they can cause diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting, etc. That's why many people go on a bland diet during of after antibiotics, as well as take probiotics to rebuild all your good bacteria again. If the pain and symptoms are too bad, call your doctor to ask if they can switch you to a different antibiotic?