View Full Version : Pain/sensation in one side of throat?

Anxious Kitty
01-09-17, 00:56
Great, here we go again. It's been a while since I've had bad health anxiety but this symptom has gradually caused me to spiral down that path again. Going to get this off my chest here before I do any more of the Bad Google Thing.

This problem I've had on and off for maybe a year, but when it first started, it didn't concern me much for some reason. It'd always go away after a couple days and only happened about twice so I assumed it was allergies or that I'd swallowed some food wrong. Until about two months ago; I have had it on and off about every other week or two and it just feels more persistent and has been worrying me more.

It's just this very subtle pain or sensation on the left side of my throat (I swear so many of my mystery symptoms occur on my left side :/). It doesn't hurt bad at all, its like a 1/10. I'm reluctant to even call it painful but I guess it does hurt a tiny bit. It's not like a sore throat either; its in one very specific pinpoint spot, on the mid-upper left part of my throat.

It's not constant either, but I'll just randomly feel it at times throughout the day. And it'll randomly stop for a week and then come back for another week straight. Nothing in particular seems to trigger it. But every time I feel it, I get anxious now and can't stop focusing on it. Perhaps making it worse, I've also caught myself prodding the area to make sure there are no lumps...

Obviously my brain wants to keep thinking it's cancer. It's definitely gotta be it this time. Just like every other time. But seriously, what else could cause pain in such a specific location like this? :/
I know the likelihood of throat cancer is extremely slim in my demographic (female/26/non-smoker/non-drinker) but I'm so unlucky that I'd be the one exception. *sighs*

I just can't think of it being anything else. And before anyone mentions globus sensation, I don't think that's it. I've had that before so I'm quite familiar with how that feels and this is different. Globus always felt like it was in the center of the throat but this is off to one side and it just generally feels different.

Ugh, and it doesn't help that I've had this occasional mild pain/itchiness in my left ear (same side) though not necessarily simultaneously. I dunno, I did have a serious ear infection two years ago and my ears never did feel the same after that. I also have a wisdom tooth on that side but I don't know. Potentially unrelated symtom but it's still getting me so worried.

I do have a doctor appointment in about a week and I guess I should bring it up. Though that brings a whole slew of other concerns. Will I be referred to an ENT who will wanna do some scary test or put a scope through my nose? What if they find something? I'm scared to mention it but I know it's the best thing to do. :( I need courage.

And while I've already been anxious about this over a month now (its practically ruined my summer), my grandma passed away earlier this week so my health anxiety / general anxiety is highly triggered right now.

I guess I just needed to vent and was hoping for some reassurance, especially if anyone else has dealt with this symptom before. Thanks for reading.

03-09-17, 18:29

I haven't posted on here in a while as I am trying to avoid seeking reassurance but reading your symptoms I had to reply as I have had the exact same thing for most of this year.

I also used to have Globus and you're right, it is different. Although I think anxiety does make it worse in the 'look for trouble find trouble' way as once you notice the sesntation you focus in on it.

I have been to the doctor 2 times about this. First time I had an ear infection, even though the pain/sensation was in my throat so I put it down to that. When the sensation continued after that I went back and the doctor said I had dry skin in my ear and it may be irriatation caused by that but he felt it was mostly down to my anxiety. The nurse also said that it could be tied in with eustacian tube dysfunction although not sure on that.

All in all I just wanted to say I had the same thing. Still do occassionally. I am almost certain it's just irritation - be it from the dry skin the doctor mentioned or allergies or both. Try using olive oil in your ear as that really worked to ease mine off last time I had it.

I have had the bendy camera down my throat with the previous globus sensation and not long ago either so I am pretty sure you won't need that for this.

Hope that helps. I couldn't find anyone with the same issue when I was worried about it and so thought I would reply.

Btw mine is on the right and all my problems are on the right! Weird. Maybe it could be down to what side we sleep on or something else environmental like that.

---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:21 ----------

I should add that when I finally went to the doctor it was because the sensation was worse - like 4/10 pain rather than the 1/10 irritation I had been noticing generally. And that irritation started after what may well have been an ear infection at the end of last year as I had really bad pain in my ear but never saw the doc. So maybe it was ear infection that left some residual irritation which contributed to another infection which led to some more irritation. I don't know. But olive oil definitely worked for me.

Also sorry to hear about your gran. I lost mine this year too. So sad. Stay positive. I have stared using a meditation app called 'Calm' and it's really helping me along with therapy.

03-09-17, 23:49
I have the same thing . Do you have a picture of wherei t hurts ?

07-09-17, 13:52
Hi all,

Yep, I have a similar issue. Mild bruise-like pain, left of throat, sort of against the jaw bone. Hurts when I look down and to the left. That's why I'm on here actually - I had a hunch that others might have something to say about it.

I'm thinking that this might have something to do with tooth-grinding.

08-09-17, 19:11
If you have TMJ disorder (teeth grinding can cause this) it can cause pain pretty much anywhere in your face.

I strained a muscle yawning last month, under my chin, and I had similar pain to what you were describing. It felt like a sore gland and I kept jabbing my finger in there trying to find the offending node and nothing. It just went away on its own as the strain healed.

Anxious Kitty
11-09-17, 14:11
Hey, sorry it's been a few days.. it stopped bothering me for a while but it's acting up a little again.

I tried to mark it as best as I could on this pic since it was requested. It's attached to this post and where the lightning bolt is. It's like right to the left of the bony area that runs down the middle, and in the mid-upper section...

Ugh, I was just at the doctors on Friday but it was for my regular followup to get my Xanax refills. These are short appointments and I didn't wanna bug her with it especially since she's not my regular doctor (who's out of town) and cuz it wasn't bothering me at the time.. Feeling dumb now. I have my yearly physical next month, and bloodwork which usually eases my mind.. if anything I guess I should bring it up then.

Another thing I'm noticing is it acts up more when my throat feels dry? Or if I'm thirsty. I was getting the itchiness in my ear today along with it. :/

I don't think I have TMJ..I do have an erupted wisdom tooth on my lower left that didn't grow in quite nicely. My dentist was going to pull it but after a closer look, decided theres a risk of nerve damage, so we're keeping an eye on it for now. He didn't seem to think it's causing issues en but would have an oral surgeon remove it if it came to it.
I don't know if the wisdom tooth could be doing this.

Ugh I just dont know. Trying to not let it get to me, it seems better when I'm not hyperfocusing on it. Cuz its not like I'm gonna get an answer til I ask about it.

I know I should reassurance seek less but its hard. I feel posting on a forum like this is at least a better alternative to Googling. Ironically that's why I Google my symptoms - reassurance seeking. Even tbough 9/10 times it'll makes me feel worse, I still make the mistake. But I found coming to places like this insted of Googling when I get the urge, helps curb the behaviour... so at least Im doing it in a less harnful way for now.

12-01-18, 21:47
I am having the exact same thing right now so I feel you concerns. I scheduled an appointment on Jan 16th to look it up and hopefully everything would be fine. I am a 24 year old male and I dont smoke or drink ever.
Also, did you get it all checked out?

Best wishes

12-01-18, 22:01
Well I thought throat cancer too. But 2 ENTs think otherwise. I have burning stinging like sensation on the left side - throat/end of soft palate. Happens only after I eat bad foods. ENT looked down my throat with a mirror and saw acid building up there. So I have silent reflux that causes throat pain. Maybe you have too?

I was put on a diet. I do not know why it hurts only on one side but it might do with the fact that I chew only on that side. Or that acid has already damaged or irritating some nerve on left side. But i specifically asked about malignancy and they said no. I also went to oncologist who specializes in oral pathology and he didn't see anything suspicious either. Not with his eyes, nor with Velscope technology

Anxious Kitty
13-01-18, 07:03
Kinda weird that this got bumped now of all times. After months of not dealing with this symptom at all, it's back with avengance. The left side of my throat has been quite sore for 3 days now, especially when swallowing.

If you look at my most recent thread, you'll see that I've been dealing with some health anxiety while out of town here at my boyfriend's house. I don't know why but it's just like my body is breaking apart since being here. Not just this, but I'm getting some flare up of general body pain that I haven't had in a while (possibly fibro), been having tummy issues, and my face is aggressively trying to break out despite using my acne creams/having no break outs in months.

Anyway, I'm trying to stay calm. If it were cancer, my symptoms shouldn't come and go? I can't do anything til I get home anyway. That's still two weeks away.

Obviously, I never really figured out what it is. There's a possibility it's my final remaining wisdom tooth; I'm having jaw and ear pain on that side as well. So that'll be the first thing I schedule when I get home. I would've had it pulled already but I maxed out my dental benefits last year. :(

Anxious Kitty
18-01-18, 04:25
I'm sorry to double post, but oh my god, I've been dealing with this for over a week now since it came back.

I have no idea what's going on and its giving me a lot of anxiety. It had been a few solid months since I last felt this and hadn't thought about it much since then. But clearly it's something chronic that didn't go away even though the symptom disappeared for a long while. I'm starting to get very worried again that its a tumor/cancer in my throat. I just can't think of any other reason it's ALWAYS on the same side.

It's such an annoying pain too. It hurts to yawn and swallow, and everytime I feel it I get anxiety. It's not super painful but it's so persistent and doesn't feel good at all.

I can't even enjoy my visit with my boyfriend like this. Being at his house already gives me some level of anxiety (cuz his family, and other stuff, and cuz I just don't deal well with being away from home). I just wanna go home but I'm here for another week and a half. I can't wait to see my doctor on the 31st.

But I'm also very scared what's going to be found in my throat...

I just want it to stop. I want to feel good but my dumb body keeps getting one issue after another.

18-01-18, 05:19

You mentioned you could have fibro? If you have, then it's an autoimmune condition like CFS. Random sore throats can happen with these conditions especially if you're run down. I had a sore throat on and off for 3 months last year, it would swap sides too!
It slowly got better over the school holidays when I wasn't teaching and using my voice.

Anxious Kitty
20-01-18, 12:48
Update: The other day, halfway through the day, the pain just suddenly stopped. Earlier that day, it was still as bad as before and felt like there was no signs of it stopping, so it was kinda weird, it just like... quit hurting outta nowhere.

I can still feel a niggle of pain when I do a big yawn but the worst seems to be over. For now. I've been free of it for over 24 hours, but still worried it's going to come back at any time. Also still worried what it is/was and plan to have it checked out, of course. I'm glad I at least feel physically better for now.

I'm a little more convinced it may be due to the wisdom tooth I mentioned but maybe it's just wishful thinking... if nothing else, I guess I'll know when the tooth is out.

I don't know if I have fibro, but I've often thought about it because of symptoms I've had for years that seem like it. That's a whole other story... maybe for another pist. I've basically never mentioned it to a doctor because I start to feel like my pain isn't bad enough or frequent enough, or that it's just due to my rather sedentary lifestyle. Also my throat pain never switches sides so even if I have fibro, I'm not sure that's the cause of this.

08-02-18, 12:14
Just wanted to post to say I have the EXACT same issue as you! A small, niggling feeling on the left side of my throat (sort of 3 inches or so to the left of my adams apple). It's causing me to constantly try and clear my throat but nothing ever resolves it and apart from a little phlegm each time, nothing comes up.

I too have had Globus before when I was diagnosed with a Hiatus Hernia which causes me to have Acid Reflux and it wasn't like this. That was lower down and felt like a tennis ball in my chest cavity.

This throat feeling is very localised, isn't affecting my breathing or swallowing but does sometimes feel a tad better when I rest my head on a chair (when sitting down in the evening) or when lying in bed...Weird!

Anyway, something else odd in me is that I started with ectopic heart beats (skipped beats) every minute at almost the exact same time that this throat feeling started! Not sure if it's related though.

I have an appt with an ENT specialist tomorrow, fingers crossed he finds nothing! I'd rather that and me have to deal with this till it goes on it's own rather than them finding something bad...As you said in your post, the brain is convincing me also that this HAS to be serious...why else would it be localised?