View Full Version : Perimenopause feel like I'm going insane

01-09-17, 09:15
I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced this.

I'm 44 from about 38 I noticed changes with my periods, they started going from 28 days to about 23-24 days. Since then I've had never ending problems, skipping periods, light periods, bleeding in between, then periods every 3 weeks. I've had so many scans I've lost count, smears up to date, tested for PCOS but it was negative.

The tests were negative for menopause but the Dr did comment my hormone levels were low. Since then I've also had a scan for irregular bleeding where the lady doing it said my ovaries were small which goes along with entering menopause.

Anyway I've since developed loads of odd symptoms, waking up with racing heart, hot flushes usually before period comes, skin outbreaks, problems losing weight, massive anxiety attacks, feeling teary, you name it

The main symptom concerning me is I've been itchy. Not all over mainly arms but a bit on my shins. My skin doesn't seem dry but I'm also so anxious and feel panicked all the time I did get sunburned on my arms a few days ago so that's probably not helped and I also note I don't scratch during my sleep.

The thing is because I'm constantly thinking about it I'm not sure if I'm making the itching worse but has anyone experienced this and do these symptoms sound like menopause to anyone?

Thanks for reading.

01-09-17, 10:30
All of what you are describing does sound like perimenopause, BUT a website I came across recently said you can be in that for 10-15 years so you've probably got a long while yet :) don't forget that stress can muck around with your hormones too and send your periods all over the place.. I get some pretty extreme symptoms like hot flashes before my period too and I'm 34.. I think I'm just a little estrogen dominanthe maybe. If all your symptoms are when you're due on and you're still having regular cycles, you're probably not going into menopause any time soon :) it sucks they're so frequent though! Luckily you've had further tests to rule out anything 'wrong'..

Catherine S
01-09-17, 10:34
The symptoms sound exactly like my experience of the peri-menopause in my 40s. Despite your doctor saying your blood results didn't indicate it...how low do they have to be for him/her? Being borderline in blood tests doesn't mean no symptoms. like you I had very erratic periods and had my last one at 49 but through most of my 40s I had every symptom you've described.

The palpitations ive had since my 20s but they got much worse during that time and panic attacks seemed to be always just below the surface, ready to pounce whenever I was out shopping etc. It was a miserable time. I was never offered any meds by the doctor, but I did get some relief taking herbal remedies from the health shops...my favourite being one called Valerian which is a natural tranquiliser. Rescue Remedy (night time strength) helped too.

The severity of the symptoms will ease when your periods stop, but if you're a naturally anxious person some will perhaps continue although less severe. The itchy skin is more than likely connected too...dry skin could be a continuing symptom i'm afraid, well beyond the last period. I'm in my 60s now and can still get very itchy hands, legs and feet so have to moisturise really well. If it gets too bad I use E45 body wash and moisturising cream. Hope that helps.

Cath S ☺ x

01-09-17, 13:19
Thank you ladies that does help.

I feel like it's perimenopause but as I said it really does feel like I'm going mad.

I do think the itchiness is partly stress aggravated as when I'm busy doing things I don't seem to notice, it's mainly when I'm laying down at night and have time on my hands!

The joys of being a middle aged woman and to think we have to deal with this for years, wouldn't be as bad if it was all over and done with in a few months!