View Full Version : Worried parent post

01-09-17, 11:25
Hi I am hoping someone can relate/help as I really am in such a worry. This is a long one sorry :(

My Daughter is 9 years old, on Tuesday she had a headache and got her self in a state not helped by me not being at home and her Dad was working from home tho she wanted me. When I got home she was crying she said her head hurt and I gave her calpol and reassured her. She fell to sleep when she awoke she was sick. She got anxious about being sick but when she had calmed down she was ok and wanted dinner.

Wednesday morning dd didn't eat much breakfast (she is not really a breakfast person) tho she got anxious that she didn't eat. At lunch I took her out for lunch however she sat and nibbled her sandwich and then said she wanted to leave, so we come home. She then got upset at home about not eating at lunch. She managed a snack or 2 in the afternoon and ate dinner as normal.

Thursday morning she woke up and wasn't herself she was worrying about lunch and eating. She ate fruit for breakfast but a while later she was sick and then sick again. I took her to the doctor who did basic obs and did a blood test form. He said we need to wait for our refferal to camhs (she was reffered in July for intrusive thoughts)
Yesterday afternoon she still looked a bit poorly (pale and you know when their eyes just look different?) but she ate lunch, had snacks and ate dinner- by evening she was her normal self. I was hopeful we had turned a corner.

Till this morning, she woke up looking odd again, she said she was worried about lunch but i reassured her. She said she felt poorly and didn't want breakfast only managing a few bites. She said she felt like she needed to be sick so I tried distracting her, she did some reading, belly breathing and tried imagery techniques. We said we will take the dog for a walk for some air but as she was getting ready she was sick everywhere. She has been laying on the sofa looking poorly but then said she was hungry, she ate some plain popcorn (what she fancied) and is now sitting up chatting away.

She has the doctors again this afternoon and blood test. But I am so worried and confused? I really am struggling, the mornings are just awful and then as she gets better throughout the day a cloud lifts but I am so worried what is wrong. She tells me everything we are very close so nothing is secretly bothering her. I of course googled and brain tumour keeps coming up so I am so scared. I can't explain how I feel it is just horrible, it's almost like morning sickness as she perks up as the day goes on. Any one had similar?

A few other points, she has no other headaches but a few head pains that last seconds, she has no tummy ache only a pain after being sick.

If you got this far thank you for reading :) x

01-09-17, 13:22
If the doctor can't find anything, it sounds like anxiety and some kind of eating disorder developing. Are you anxious about her eating? Maybe you transfer that to her. Another thing is what seems like having plenty of snacks, so food is available all the time. Are the snacks healthy, or biscuits/chips/sweets, etc? You could try having times when no food is available, and just a piece of fruit or a glass of milk between meals.

01-09-17, 18:59
I agree it sounds like it could be related to anxiety. My anxiety really kicked off at the age of ten. I think anxiety around food is pretty common in kids. It sounds as though you are doing all the right things. Can you get her to eat in front of the TV? I know it's a bad habit but I wonder if it might distract her enough to break the cycle of worrying about eating, if that's what the problem actually is?

01-09-17, 19:12
I agree as well. My only concern is that she's picking up on your anxiety.

My ex suffered from severe depression and my daughter developed it as well as anxiety. I believe there was a genetic predisposition from her Mom as well as the environmental aspect at play. My ex's depression manifested itself into hoarding and living in that kind of environment along with seeing her mother constantly struggling had a profound effect on her. Add to that the stress and anxiety that the separation and divorce caused and it all adds up.

I would speak to the doctor about your anxiety as well as what appears to be anxiety in your daughter.

Positive thoughts