View Full Version : Freaking out!!!!

01-09-17, 13:32
I had a small mole on my shoulder for about 7 years. It was dark a little raised and about 2 mm. I had it looked at by a derm PA, she looked through it with a dermascope and assured me it's ok. It never grew....After a vacation 2 weeks ago I noticed a dark red ring around it and it looked a little shiny. I FREAKED out called the derm, she told me it might be irritation since I was carrying heavy bags on my shoulder and the vacation was a 9 hour drive so the seatbelt was on it for 9 hours. I went to a new derm instead of the PA. She said "this does not look like sebhorrheic keratosis, i don't like the way it looks I'm taking it off." I can't function right now. I can't eat, sleep or work. This anxiety is taking over me. I just don't know what to do.

01-09-17, 15:12
It sounds like you're taking all the necessary precautions to get this taken care of. Trust in the derm! And please take care of yourself. Don't forget to eat and get proper sleep, you'll end up feeling worse in the end if you don't practice self-care.

Mrs overthinker
24-09-17, 22:05
What was the outcome? Did it all come back ok?