View Full Version : Starting Escitalopram side effects

01-09-17, 15:32
Hi All

I have started Escitalopram 5mg (2 days in) already notice my anxiety is a lot higher and I feel a lot of nausea. For some odd reason I have sensitive nips :S but it comes and goes. I have had a couple of high alert panics but managed to keep them under control.

I had to cancel my CBT today though I just felt rough and shaky to leave the house.

I know people say the side effects shouldn't be kicking in yet but they are. I think I am very sensitive to these SSRI's.

I just want to sleep and wake up when its all better but I know thats not the case :(

Anyone been through the same?


01-09-17, 21:19
Hello Matt

Okay so a month ago I started lexapro and last 10days as the sexual side affects were scary. I was taking benzodiazepine with it

Believe it or not I plan on going back on 5mg of lexapro tonight as I want to give it one last shot for the month of September and then at my review with my doctor in October I'll decide if it's worth staying on it

I've been reading online that the side affects actually start to go away after 2/3 weeks I suppose I'm very impatient and afraid of letting down my girlfriend

I would like to work with you over this month to update each other on how we are doing! If your up for it, since your only 2 days in at 5mg! :)

01-09-17, 23:28
Im guessing no led in the pencil side effect?

yeah I just had the wave you have to ride to get into a semi decent space. I've been stuck in my house now for almost 3 months :(

That sounds like a plan. If you want to keep posting on here like a diary?

I wish you all the best


02-09-17, 17:30
Haha led in the pencil :roflmao:
Pretty much no sexual desire which is annoying, apparently the side affects disappear after 2-3weeks?? I do hope they do because it's a wonderful Medication

A diary would be a good idea just little updates how are days are going and if you notice ups and downs :)

Day 1: took 5mg last night and woke up this morning ready to go!
I have a massive social phobia of going to shopping centres and pubs/restaurants
Today I went to a big shopping centre on my own 60km away from my house.
Mood was good singing in the car and everything, went to easons and felt relaxed looking at 2 books.
Then I went to a funky restaurant and I was so calm and engaged when the waitress was talking to me.
This would be something I would of found so difficult to do without help from meds.
I took xanax also while my body adjusts to the lexapro
Meeting my gf tonight to hang out and watch the xfactor as I won't see her for a week as I am going to New York on Monday!! 7hrs flight and I have a fear of flying but I just know the lexapro will kick into over drive to help me :yahoo:

---------- Post added at 17:30 ---------- Previous post was at 17:28 ----------

yeah I just had the wave you have to ride to get into a semi decent space. I've been stuck in my house now for almost 3 months :(


I feel for you buddy, I used to always get comfortable at my house and wouldn't go far only for work.
I have no doubt that after a couple of days you will start going out into the world again. Even to your nearest shop or a walk :) take it step by step

06-09-17, 00:46
Day 6:
Been a struggle with new meds. The last time I tried going on meds I was sick and made me not eat or drink for days so it always made me more anxious but slowly getting through.
Every day one symptom goes another one appears is so weird. Yesterday I was getting waves of anxious thoughts today its pins and needle feeling on my arms and face.. yay.. I do have some periods where I feel like I can get up walk around now feel weak and it makes me think I can do this. Then they're other times where my hearing is so sensitive any bang makes me jump or I feel terrible I just want to sleep but can't.

Lets hope the nausea settles I really want a fish finger toastie with tomato ketchup and a ice cold glass of water melon juice..... yum!

Anyway I will keep you posted


06-09-17, 12:56
Hey, first time when i started 2011, it was creepy. I was in hospital week on 5mg and week on 10mg. Felt like i had bucket on my head, could not undrustand aneything. Only at home i felt safe... first week when they did let me out of hospital i forgot eating at all... i felt so weak but could not undrustand why, sounds crazy ofc.
I was on ciraset 3 years, in that time i felt that i am fully controlling everithing. I felt good, dosage was 10 mg i tryed15mg, but after a week i felt sick and i went back. From this spring im again on ciraset, i have tryed start it 5 times past 4 months, every time i incrased dosage 5to 10mg i felt soo sick and stopedit again. With 5mg no problem. i started it again today 5mg... so if you want to chat, message me. What i know about my experiance that there is nothing scaryer then your own thoughts