View Full Version : Stress/crying all time

01-09-17, 18:04
Im so stressed not sure where to turn for past 2 months have been stressed out and struggling to cope, but have managed to cope. Ive just had 2 weeks off work on holiday thought it would make me better but i just feel worse, ive been in tears most days developed insomnia, panic attacks and the thought of going to work fills me with dread.

I do have a history of anxiety/depression and am medicated for it and im
taking my meds. I broke down last night told my partner exactly how i was feeling said im unable to continue working full time as its effecting my mental health but he said its just tough that we cant afford to not have me working i just feel im ready for a breakdown and feel like running away from my life.

I dont know what to do, ive asked to reduce my hours at work but they wont let me please tell me im not alone feeling like this :weep:

02-09-17, 11:24
Im so stressed not sure where to turn for past 2 months have been stressed out and struggling to cope, but have managed to cope. Ive just had 2 weeks off work on holiday thought it would make me better but i just feel worse, ive been in tears most days developed insomnia, panic attacks and the thought of going to work fills me with dread.

I do have a history of anxiety/depression and am medicated for it and im
taking my meds. I broke down last night told my partner exactly how i was feeling said im unable to continue working full time as its effecting my mental health but he said its just tough that we cant afford to not have me working i just feel im ready for a breakdown and feel like running away from my life.

I dont know what to do, ive asked to reduce my hours at work but they wont let me please tell me im not alone feeling like this :weep:
ASK your doc to up your meds , you have a job lots dont :wacko:

02-09-17, 13:30
I am in the same boat as you worrier, its the anxiety getting a grip, they say dont run away from it, easier said than done, you can speak to your doctor and he can sign you for a phased return to work if you dont feel up to a full week, I decided to go back full time as I dont want to let this dreaded anxiety beat me, its hard, but we need to hang in there.

02-09-17, 20:13
ASK your doc to up your meds , you have a job lots dont :wacko:

My doctor wont increase my meds, im on maximum dose.

I find your comment about my job really patronising yes i appreciate people are struggling to find jobs atm. But when your anxious you dont always see the positive side of things.

03-09-17, 09:29
My doctor wont increase my meds, im on maximum dose.

I find your comment about my job really patronising yes i appreciate people are struggling to find jobs atm. But when your anxious you dont always see the positive side of things.
I AM ON ABOUT YOUR JOB???? lots of people dont have them so you have to be well enough to do yours is what i mean, or someone else will have it , You read it wrong and i worded it wrong. YOU say maximum dose, maximum dose of what???? the difference in telling what med your on maximum could be the difference in the hole outlook to your illness . because the maximum of what your on is not working :wall: