View Full Version : Low resting heart rate

01-09-17, 19:05
Hey! So I'm on a beta blocker and my heart rate is anywhere from 56-60 right now and is usually anywhere from 61-70. Is 56 too low? Should I get to my doctors?

01-09-17, 19:22
That's the resting heart rate of an athlete! You're good! And stop checking your HR. No need to do that ;)

Positive thoughts

01-09-17, 19:22
Hi , sounds prett normal to me , mine does vary a fair bit and has gone down to the low 50s at times it's also gone up to the 90s , anxiety and stress can make it go either way , I had mine checked out last year because of an unusual ecg reading and all came back ok so I try now to just stop checking it , by all means have a check with the doc just to put your mind at rest , take care .

01-09-17, 19:24
by all means have a check with the doc just to put your mind at rest , take care .

No need for a doctor visit over this :lac:

Positive thoughts

02-09-17, 01:43
No need for a doctor visit over this :lac:

Positive thoughts

Fish are you on a beta blocker? I know you have heart issues also. I've never seen a cardiologist but got high blood pressure in pregnancy 8 years ago and it never went down. Would 56-60 be concerning? Everything I read says it should be over 60?

02-09-17, 01:52
Fish are you on a beta blocker? I know you have heart issues also. I've never seen a cardiologist but got high blood pressure in pregnancy 8 years ago and it never went down. Would 56-60 be concerning? Everything I read says it should be over 60?

I take a beta blocker twice a day as well as bp meds, blood thinners and a plethora of other meds daily.

A normal resting heart rate for adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. Generally, a lower heart rate at rest implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness. For example, a well-trained athlete might have a normal resting heart rate closer to 40 beats a minute. Mayo Clinic

My resting is in the 60's with meds and I'm 58 with heart disease for goodness sakes! That's a good thing!

Positive thoughts

03-09-17, 17:52
Theres a rule to this, if you have a low resting heart rate without any symptoms like blacking out or dizziness chest pains then youre likely fine. people with a higher heart rate has an increased mortality than those with a lower resting heart rate. if you have a lower resting heart rate say between 50-60 then that means your heart is having to work less hard than someones with a heart rate between 70-100 meaning your ticker can hold up longer that is if you dont have any symptoms as i listed. im 26 and my resting heart rate is between 55-65 bpm. it could also be the beta blockers.

03-09-17, 21:15
I'm 34 and my resting HR goes into the low to mid 50s! I work out a fair bit though :) generally the lower, the better as long as you are not presenting worrying/dangerous symptoms. It just means your heart isn't working that hard to pump blood around your body :) I used to freak out about mine, especially as it drops into the 40s when I sleep lol!

03-09-17, 21:38
I have a low resting heart rate as well. I do workout 4 days a week so that probably contributes to it. You're good! :D

03-09-17, 23:01
Thanks everybody! It hasn't gotten any lower than 56 and in general it has been between 58-62 for the past two days. I'm not gonna even check it anymore cuz I am sure it is just the Aetenol (beta blocker) doing its job plus I am not dizzy or having chest pains. Again thanks guys ��