View Full Version : Dealing with fatigue brought on by anxiety?

01-09-17, 21:52
I've had a stressful few weeks with starting grad school and a death of a friend's father. Yesterday and today I've just suddenly gotten exhausted in the middle of the day. I'm pretty sure it's from the stress. Any tips on self care/keeping energy up? I've been taking baths and yesterday I went to yoga and walked a lot, but other tips even foods/vitamins would be good. my health anxiety wants to tell me there's something medically wrong but i think it's from the extreme stress

01-09-17, 22:24
Stress will knock the poo out of you! When my wife was ill, I can't tell you how many stress related symptoms I had. The difference is I know it was all stress related ;)

But yes, stress biology wrecks havoc on your body. It's really common sense though. Make sure to get enough nutrition, stay hydrated and get enough sleep. Of course, reducing your stress is a given. Find relaxing activities like listening to music or going for a walk etc. And also, try to limit your internet searches and forum interaction as it focuses you on your anxiety or symptoms. Again, I suggest downloading the FREE CBT (http://cbt4panic.org/) workbooks offered here. There are some great exercises and techniques that can help you with your anxiety. If you're going to focus on anything, that would be a very constructive thing to focus on!

Positive thoughts

02-09-17, 08:19
Great advice, FMP! Far more useful to tackle the CBT workbooks and work on managing your anxiety rather than letting your HA escalate. I'm a carer and frequently feel exhausted.

02-09-17, 11:19
I've had a stressful few weeks with starting grad school and a death of a friend's father. Yesterday and today I've just suddenly gotten exhausted in the middle of the day. I'm pretty sure it's from the stress. Any tips on self care/keeping energy up? I've been taking baths and yesterday I went to yoga and walked a lot, but other tips even foods/vitamins would be good. my health anxiety wants to tell me there's something medically wrong but i think it's from the extreme stress

ENERGY DRINKS there are plenty of them:yesyes:

02-09-17, 16:34
ENERGY DRINKS there are plenty of them:yesyes:

Respectfully I disagree. Caffeine and other stimulants (in most energy drinks) can be a trigger for many sufferers.

Positive thoughts

02-09-17, 17:31
Respectfully I disagree. Caffeine and other stimulants (in most energy drinks) can be a trigger for many sufferers.

Positive thoughts

OF COURSE, THEY CAN????? but she is talking exhaustion not anxiety in the middle of the day. maybe a sugar rush is what she may needs:wacko: