View Full Version : very afraid of having tetanus

01-09-17, 22:04
on wednesday ( it is now friday ) i went to an antique store and i was looking through the buttons and one of the pin backings poked my index finger on my right hand. later that night i had thought about what happened and immediately felt anxious and not well. i cannot sleep because of how worried i am that i am going to die because of this. my jaw is slightly stiff and my whole body feels tensed up but i can move okay. the thing thats worrying me the most is my foot is twitching. it feels like it gets worse every passing second. i cant stop crying and panicking and i dont really know what to do. is it anxiety or tetanus? im very afraid and i keep reading things that say im going to die. what do i do please help. im not up to date on my tetanus shots.

01-09-17, 22:31
Seems to be tetanus fear season at the moment.

You can't get tetanus that way. Tetanus requires something rusty and filthy to be pushed through your skin and the pathogens need to get deep inside. It takes a serious wound, not a light pinprick.

You don't have tetanus and you need to put a stop to this because you're making yourself miserable over something impossible. How often does anyone even get tetanus these days? It's a rare disease requiring very specific circumstances.

If you're prone to these kinds of anxious breakdowns, you must get some treatment.

03-09-17, 04:53
on wednesday ( it is now friday ) i went to an antique store and i was looking through the buttons and one of the pin backings poked my index finger on my right hand. later that night i had thought about what happened and immediately felt anxious and not well. i cannot sleep because of how worried i am that i am going to die because of this. my jaw is slightly stiff and my whole body feels tensed up but i can move okay. the thing thats worrying me the most is my foot is twitching. it feels like it gets worse every passing second. i cant stop crying and panicking and i dont really know what to do. is it anxiety or tetanus? im very afraid and i keep reading things that say im going to die. what do i do please help. im not up to date on my tetanus shots.

Wow, are you me? I had the exact same fears after stabbing the bottom of my foot with a thumbtack stuck in my floor last night. After cleaning up the "wound" if you can call it that (literally just a pinprick), my mind started racing with thoughts like "when was my last tetanus shot?" And "Am I gonna die?" Decided to go to the ER because my leg was twitching and I was feeling generally crappy, and got a tetanus booster since it had been about 20 years since my last round of shots. I left the hospital feeling a bit better because I at least had done something about it, but honestly you might be blowing things a bit out of proportion. If you're up to date on your vaccines you're pretty much set. Plus it hasn't been quite long enough for symptoms to set in, believe me I thought I had been infected within hours of it happening. But if you still have some fears about tetanus you can try something called the "spatula test". Find something flat you can use to probe the back of your throat near your Pharynx. If your gag reflex activates (just don't throw up or anything like that) you're fine. But if you bite down on the spatula then you likely have been infected. I'm kind of still trying to convince myself that my brain is playing tricks on me and I don't really have Tetanus but the brain is a really good actor when it wants to be :scared15:

03-09-17, 07:19
Seems to be tetanus fear season at the moment.

Deadly rare diseases are like seasons of the year here... Looks like we're transitioning from Summer ALS to Fall Tetanus. Soon will be more lymph node posts to who knows what. Depends on what others are posting ;)

Positive thoughts