View Full Version : Not sure how to cope and feel so alone

Anxious the elephant
01-09-17, 22:21
So around 2 and half weeks ago I was suspended from work. The next day I went out on my bicycle (exercise is my way of making myself calmer/ less anxious/depressed) and I was hit by a car which fractured my elbow. I then found myself unable to run or cycle and just found myself sitting at home waitin for work to contact me. During this time I constantly felt sick (never physically sick), I couldn't sleep at night and I started to feel nervous about leaving the house. When I did go out I would just want to go back home again.

I went to my final hearing today and have been sacked. I was not expecting it as I was not guilty of what they said. I went straight home and now do not know what to do. I feel like it will take me ages to find a job. Who will want someone that has been sacked?! And I have debts and am also worrying about how I am going to pay them.

I feel like I can't cope and don't want to talk about the situation with family because I feel they don't understand and spend a lot of time just staring at me. My mum also suffers from anxiety and I don't want to tip her over the edge

02-09-17, 09:20
Sounds like a lot went wrong at the wrong time. But such is life at times.

What you've described is a very stressful time In your life and honestly, I'd say any anxiety or depression you are feeling is normal and not chronic or longterm. It's just a reaction to the negative things that happened to you recently.

Let your elbow heal, find alternative excercises to do and most of all take it easy! My friend just went through the job situation you did. Seriously, like the same thing. And he's back on his feet now and back to his normal self.

Just do the best you can, that's all anyone can ask of you. Good luck!

03-09-17, 17:54
Hi I am sorry to hear this what you have been through that's quite a lot to put up with. Can I ask why you was sacked ( you don't have to say if you don't want to :) ) and was it your fault you could contact either CAB or ACAS both are very knowledgable on Employment law Hope you get back to your normal self soon:hugs:

04-09-17, 05:05
If you were sacked unfairly, explain that to your mother, and ask for her support, or advice. She is your mother, she will feel way worse if she knows you didn't tell her. On top of that, just take some time for yourself and if you were sacked unfairly, might be a good idea to look into an unfair dismissal case. I don't know.