View Full Version : Earache

05-06-07, 20:22
Hi all,

Have had a sore ear now for about 4/5days, its a sharp stabbing pain and its sore when i touch the inside of my ear and is a little bit itchy, can also feel it when I swallow.
D'ont want to bother the doc as ive been having a rough time just now, went to him with a really sore back , pain going down legs into calves etc,which ive suffered for 2yrs, he never took me seriously due to HA eventually got refferred to physio and was diagnosed with a slipped pelvis which is causing me all the pain. I'm really glad though cause it proves it wasn't in my imagination!!
Anyway , as I was saying my ear is sore but im really not sure about the doc just now, do you think it is an ear infection??
Sorry for rambling on ........xx

05-06-07, 21:24
Hiya Kittykat,sounds to me like an outer ear infection (where the ear canal gets infected)they normally use antibiotic drops for this.I would get it checked out if i was you hun or even call nhs direct and get theit opinion or the out of hours doctor,i've found alot of time out of hour docs can be less blinkered bout my HA
Hope you feel better soon.

05-06-07, 21:58

I had a sore ear last year and it was a build up of wax, which totally amazed me as I clean my ears morning, noon and night due to me being a music lover and wanting to take care of them. But my doc told me that when you push a cotton bud into your ear, sometimes you're pushing the wax further into the ear canal, where it can build up. He told me to buy a liquid called Earex and that helped ease it after a couple of weeks and my ear is fine now.
