View Full Version : I think I have dorsal wrist syndrome :(

01-09-17, 23:36
So maybe three weeks ago I hurt my wrist a little because I came into full cobra pose incorrectly. In a few days the pain seemed to go away, so I kept doing hands and knees yoga--until my wrist really started to hurt by itself. There is no bruising or swelling so the nurse at work said I must have just pulled a tendon or ligament and wrapped it.

Problem is, the symptoms align perfectly with dorsal wrist syndrome, which is caused by repeated weight bearing on an extended wrist- i.e. yoga poses. This can be very serious and sometimes requires surgery. It is also hard to diagnose because it doesn't show on an X-ray and the pain SEEMS to go away after a while. But the injury is still there.

I am very afraid of having permanent damage and/or needing surgery. But my family knows about my anxiety and thinks I'm overreacting about a little sprain. I don't know what to do :(

02-09-17, 00:50
With respect, when I read of a physical issue I never heard of, my first instinct is that Dr. Google had a lot to do with the self diagnosis and subsequent anxiety. This is one of those instances. I Googled it and based on the fact that mostly really technical medical reports came up, indicates the rarity of the malady.

HA will grab onto that really obscure issue that poses a physical threat regardless of how rare it is. IMO, that's the case here and your family is right. Rest your wrist for a while and you'll be back to yoga in no time.

Positive thoughts

02-09-17, 02:00
With respect, when I read of a physical issue I never heard of, my first instinct is that Dr. Google had a lot to do with the self diagnosis and subsequent anxiety. This is one of those instances. I Googled it and based on the fact that mostly really technical medical reports came up, indicates the rarity of the malady.

HA will grab onto that really obscure issue that poses a physical threat regardless of how rare it is. IMO, that's the case here and your family is right. Rest your wrist for a while and you'll be back to yoga in no time.

Positive thoughts

Thanks, I may go to urgent care tomorrow and get an x-ray just to make sure nothing is broken. It's just scary because if I do have this condition I will have it for the rest of my life, it does not get better and I will have BAD arthritis