View Full Version : Pain in temple region and above jaw when brushing teeth hope it's not wisdom :(

02-09-17, 00:42

So was my Birthday yesterday now 22 and for a couple of days now when i brush my teeth the area above my jaw and on my side temple area hurts which is really strange idk why. I'm now worrying about if my wisdom teeth impacted or if i have any at all.

Back in 2015 i had a tooth out and the dentist did a xray back then and as far as i can remember I'm pretty sure he didn't say anything about Wisdom teeth or show me anything about them even being there although surely they probably are and knowing my luck they probably are impacted if they are :(.

I should've gone back after a quick check up last January but i bailed because i have terrible dental anxiety from a rocky past with them but now I don't know what to do :( it doesn't hurt normally or when I'm pushing on my gum in that area so i just don't know.

02-09-17, 18:17
Only way you'll know for sure is to go to the dentist and get checked out. Are there any dentists in your area that call their practice "gentle dentistry"? Often they are practices that have made an effort to learn about dentist anxiety and try and do things in such a way as to be reassuring and more pleasant to those of us who have difficulty at the dentist. Worth looking into if it's available. I don't go to one myself, but am lucky the dentist I do go to seems to be cognizant of dentist anxiety and does try and be calming and reassuring. In my case I just came right out and told them I have anxiety about the dentist and they've been really accommodating.

Other thing might be if you are clenching or grinding you might be sore in the joint and muscles of the jaw when brushing. I get sort of mild tmj symptoms from clenching and the pain is often felt in the temple. When I feel it I try and relax my face, jaw, and shoulders - generally helps. If you like massages that could help too.