View Full Version : Tips on reducing morning anxiety

02-09-17, 12:33
Hello guys!

I'm looking for tips on more natural ways to reduce morning anxiety.
I'm currently on medication for my anemia and low folic acid, so I have to avoid the following: eggs, milk, coffee, tea and caffeine sodas (like Coca-Cola, for example).

I used to drink camomile tea for breakfast when I woke up anxious, but since it can interfere with the absorption of my medication I was looking for some other way to help me start the day.

Any advice?

10-09-17, 13:35
I find ginger tea really goes down well in the morning, soothes the stomach and just feels good overall. Twinings makes a nice mild one, or you can make your own with just ginger root and hot water. Also, I found that eating protein helped - it helps avoid that spike and crash in blood sugar you can get in the morning. Can you eat peanut butter? Or any nut or soy butters? I find getting some food in me with staying power helps. Toast and pb usually does me very well. Oatmeal too. Good luck!

12-09-17, 22:29
I take a 5 htp capsule along with l-tyrosine and a b vitamin complex. Sorts me right out for most of the day from the morning.

19-01-18, 12:36
I find ginger tea really goes down well in the morning, soothes the stomach and just feels good overall. Twinings makes a nice mild one, or you can make your own with just ginger root and hot water. Also, I found that eating protein helped - it helps avoid that spike and crash in blood sugar you can get in the morning. Can you eat peanut butter? Or any nut or soy butters? I find getting some food in me with staying power helps. Toast and pb usually does me very well. Oatmeal too. Good luck!

Really new information. Thanks

08-02-18, 14:14
If one of the symptoms of your anxiety is muscle tension, try getting some exercise

09-06-19, 01:27
I find that the absolute best thing for morning anxiety for me is to have a stable wake up time and to get right out of bed. I started waking up early to work before my daughter got up and waking to an alarm and hopping right out of bed really helped with anxiety, I think. I know that our bodies produce cortisol to wake us up in the morning, so I wonder if waking up to an alarm before I'd normally wake helps, too. The last few days I've slept in and felt considerably more anxious in the morning.

10-06-19, 09:46
I find that the absolute best thing for morning anxiety for me is to have a stable wake up time and to get right out of bed. I started waking up early to work before my daughter got up and waking to an alarm and hopping right out of bed really helped with anxiety, I think. I know that our bodies produce cortisol to wake us up in the morning, so I wonder if waking up to an alarm before I'd normally wake helps, too. The last few days I've slept in and felt considerably more anxious in the morning.

I agree with this.

When I used to get anxiety first thing in the morning, I eventually learned to just get up and go through it. It soon passes anyway, so no point in moping about it.