View Full Version : Please tell me I'm getting myself at it!

02-09-17, 16:58
So I posted a week or so ago about my concerns regarding itching and thinking I had jaundice.

I went to the GP who said I didn't have jaundice and to take some anti histamines and use aveeno for the itching as I thought it had been caused by using a new shower gel at the gym.

Since then without fail my forearms and occasionally my shins have been itching on a daily basis.

But here's the thing, they don't itch when I'm out, when I'm at the Gym or basically occupied. It feels like strange sensations on my forearms that range from tickling, itching, prickling, burning and even crawling.

Generally they are not too bad throughout the day but come the evening I find I need to scratch. It doesn't keep me awake and as far as I'm aware I'm not scratching in my sleep.

Is is possible that I'm causing this feeling because I'm thinking about it constantly and obviously if I end up scratching it makes it worse?

I keep telling myself if it was anything then it wouldn't be confined to a couple of places it would be all over and it would keep me awake etc.

I hate this it's making me feel so uncomfortable!

02-09-17, 17:29
If I told you that you're doing this to yourself, would you believe me?

Positive thoughts

02-09-17, 19:06
Sounds like you became hyper-aware of your body. You are okay.

02-09-17, 20:15
Thanks guys, so far tonight I'm just ignoring the odd sensations and I'm not going to scratch. I know scratching just makes it worse so I figure if I just try and ignore it hopefully it will pass.