View Full Version : Anxiety playing up after bumping, any advice?

02-09-17, 18:54
Hi everyone
Newbie here.

I joined this forum so I could hopefully get a bit of reassurance.

First a little history, I am 37, male, live in UK and I suffer from GAD anxiety and OCD (routine and order).
I am a panicker at the best of times lol.

Here's my situation....
I was at the gym Wednesday last week (3 days ago) and the sun was shining in really bright, as I got off one machine and went to walk elsewhere I was too busy looking away from the sun reflecting off a surface and I walked straight into the metal bar handle of another weights machine (the type were you pull down the bar above you to lift the weights). The round end of it (about the diameter of a 50p) got me straight in the middle of the top of my head (it was almost liked I headbutted it but with the top of my head rather then the forehead).
It through me back and hurt that much that I could have cried a little(which I didn't) but I didn't lose consciousness and I didn't see stars. I left shortly after.
The weird thing the pain went after about 10mins and I got/have no bump. However I did feel groggy so got home, had shower and got into bed and then did the worse thing possible, I googled bumps on head.
It's now 3 days later and there's still no bump but it's sore sometimes if I rub top of head but the reason for this post is because I keep feeling groggy, light headed on and off (but NOT dizzy like the room is spinning), every few hours I keep getting a pressure above my noise and today I woke up with not a painful neck but like there is someone putting pressure on it, also I have developed a feeling at the back of my throat like I could choke and I just don't feel myself. Also I have been having headaches come and go but mild ones.

Now I am panicking I have caused bleeding on the brain and I can't see Dr because it's weekend and I don't want to go A&E incase I am overreacting.
Can anyone offer advice? As my anxiety levels are going through the roof

Many thanks

02-09-17, 19:04
Hey, you bumped your head and it will be sore for a few days, even a week. You probably will develop a bump or bruise. Did you ice it when you got home on Wednesday?

02-09-17, 20:19
Thanks for reply
No I didn't ice it as there was no bump and it wasnt that sore. But I have heard no bump can be a bad thing? As it can mean a bump inside.
It's not the soreness I am worrying about, it's the groggy feeling and pressure on back of head, also I feel like I have tension moving around top of head.
I heard people can bang their heads and then suddenly die a few days later

02-09-17, 22:00
Thanks for reply
No I didn't ice it as there was no bump and it wasnt that sore. But I have heard no bump can be a bad thing? As it can mean a bump inside.
It's not the soreness I am worrying about, it's the groggy feeling and pressure on back of head, also I feel like I have tension moving around top of head.
I heard people can bang their heads and then suddenly die a few days later

I can assure you that you won't die :) It's going to feel a bit weird for a few days. I bet your anxiety isn't helping it much either and that could also account for the weird sensations. The head is incredibly strong!

02-09-17, 22:03
I can assure you that you won't die :) It's going to feel a bit weird for a few days. I bet your anxiety isn't helping it much either and that could also account for the weird sensations. The head is incredibly strong!Hi Girl18, thanks for the reply
Yeah my anxiety doesn't help at all, neither does Google lol.
I was just worried because I read people can bang their heads and it bleeding on the brain can start a few days after

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02-09-17, 22:14
Hi Girl18, thanks for the reply
Yeah my anxiety doesn't help at all, neither does Google lol.
I was just worried because I read people can bang their heads and it bleeding on the brain can start a few days after

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Trust me, Google is that ex you keep talking to, not good for you, I know.

I slid on a rock in the woods years ago and hit my head. I was bleeding and had to have staples. It hurt for a week and then I got my staples taken out. I have been good. I know what Google can tell you but it's not very common what you think happens, unless it's very bad trauma and in a sensitive, perfect spot.

In your case, it has been a few days since Wednesday and you're fine! Try to relax and rest. Take your mind off of it for a bit.

02-09-17, 23:48
Isn't the top of your head a bad spot to hit?
Thanks :)

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