View Full Version : Finger tremor!

02-09-17, 19:22
Ok trying not to freak out but about 2 hours ago I thought my finger felt weird lifted my arm up an my middle finger is jittering round with a life of its own 😮 It won't stop! When my hand is relaxed it doesn't do it but as soon as I extend my fingers straight it starts again. I Googled like an idiot who never learns and I am now worried that im having the prelude to a stroke. Can't even go the doctors as it's weekend. I know this isn't the place to be asking medical advice but has anyone else ever had this?

02-09-17, 21:47
My index finger always does this, if I extend it out it starts twitching, has done for a year now and I'm still here. I wouldn't worry to much about it, you would have other symptoms too.

03-09-17, 17:24
Yeah I get that once and awhile too. I try to show my husband, because it really looks wild when it's happening, but as soon as I do it stops. Screen time, mousing, and typing can be a major culprit. If it starts interfering with your ability to do things, you find there is loss of strength or coordination, or you start dropping things all the time, then you might want to see a doc about it - but even then at worst you're probably looking at a repetitive stress injury that can be managed through some behaviour changes and targeted exercises.

I just had an emg done on my arms because my hands fall asleep at night, and I have some persistent tingling and poor coordination - all likely ulnar nerve stuff - but there's no nerve damage so my next step is trying to manage what's irritating things. Which probably means I should be laying off the computing :winks: My point being, even something that feels really persistent can be pretty benign. So keep an eye on things, but don't jump straight to the bad stuff.