View Full Version : Been feeling like I've been dying for days now...

02-09-17, 22:33
So I've been a lurker here for a long time now, and if I'm in doubt of if what I'm experiencing is anxiety or something real then this forum is my first point of call. The last 4 days, however, have been hell and I'm in a cinstant state of panic.

Had my symptoms since Wednesday. They started at my desk in work and have impacted me a lot to varying degrees over the last few days which even prompted a trip to the emergency GP on Thursday.

I guess I'll go ahead and list everything I've been experiencing and you'll see why I feel like I'm dying.

Chest pain- started as an occasional stab on my breastbone at the bottom of my right breast. Now if it happens it's at the top level with my armpits, burning on the top of my breasts towards the breastbone, and sometimes a shooting pain down my sides. Never lasts for more than 5 seconds in total. Currently it's niggling on top of my breasts amd near the centre amd mild little jolts but i dont know if thats just because im aware of them now.

Strangulation- feel like someones hung a rope around the top of my neck where you normally take a neck pulse, also likened to wearing a tight choker necklace. This has been almost permanent but gets better and worse through the day. Sometimes it feels like I'm going to swallow my tongue.

Breathing- I feel like i don't want to breathe even though i need to. When i do take a breath in i feel like its not enough oxygen and if i try and laugh i feel like i cant bevause my chest is tight. Same with talking; pretty much breathless. Im not hyperventilating

Irregular heart rate- its up down up down up down... reating currently around 85bpm.

Pulse- feels stronger in right side of neck than left side.

Pain in back- burning between shoulder blades. Comes and goes. Sometimes low, sometimes high.

Cough- feel like i need to cough when the strangulation is bad but there is no need.

Nose- keep getting a stuffy nose when the anxiety shoots up

Arm pain- pains in left armpit, elbow, and wrist. Sometimes in right but not often. Ive not really tried moving around too much as I'm too scared to.

Sweating- cold sweat noticible on hands and feet. Not really anywhere else.

Sometimes I hardly notice the symptoms but other times they are very prominent. Ive sat through them for 4 days, and when i went the gp in tears on Thursday he listened to my heart and took my pulse and said everything sounds fine apart from it being a bit raised because of my panic. Oxygen sats and blood pressure were fine too.

I just need some reassurance that I'm experiencing health anxiety and not about to just drop dead. Is it possible i could be experiencing phantom symptoms because i know what they are? It doesn't help i also have a general fear of dying in my sleep, of doctors and medical procedures.

Any reassurance that these symptoms are anxiety would be greatly appreciated <3

02-09-17, 23:21
Hey there, you sound very similar to me. I have generalised anxiety which gets worse after drinking alcohol and health anxiety which brings on a host of symptoms for me: strangulation, chest pressure and pains, leg and arm aches and stabbing pains, digestive issues, eye twitching, headaches and they all worry me so much. I always think it's me dying but deep down I know it's anxiety. I can't speak for you, but if you know you suffer from anxiety it's likely they are causes of elevated stress and tension in your muscles (cortisol and adrenaline are hormones that can cause all sorts of issues in your body). However, I'm not a doctor so can't speak for you, so a big part is learning to identify what issues are anxiety related. For me, I found all these symptoms reduce massively when I'm in a regular routine: sleeping at the same time and getting up even if I'm restless in the night, and planning my day. Good food and herbal tea genuinely helps me so much!!

I have an obsessive tendency to check my pulse whenever I feel panicky and it's always normal, which kind of reassures me it's anxiety rather than an actual problem. Your symptoms do sound very similar to mine and they are NORMAL. When I first had the heart "flutter", chest pains and dizziness I actually called an ambulance because I thought I was having a heart attack and they reassured me it must be anxiety. I was 18 at the time.

Wishing you the best x

03-09-17, 02:43
Some of your symptoms sound a lot like mine. I am puzzled. Doc have said anxiety or acid reflux. I am constantly worrying about it though 😞😞