View Full Version : Waiting on results.

02-09-17, 22:46
Hey guys, so for about a year now I've had some weird stuff going on with my genitals after having unprotected sex with someone. Dry, red, raised skin that's seemed to have spread around the head. I finally was able to go to the doctor today after not having health insurance for a year and she'd told me it looked like a type of HPV, now I'm waiting for the results and I have to go see a urologist. I'm sat completely, overly anxious awaiting the results and I'm even terrified that it's not HPV at all and possibly early penis cancer. I've heard HPV can cause cancer. Though - when she'd showed me the pictures of HPV they do not look similar to mine at all. It looked more like a yeast infection. I just need someone to help talk me down, I've not been this anxious in a long time.

03-09-17, 10:29
Hi Strovbe, With HA we often think of the worst case scenario - and I mean the worst. I know... I'm going through this right now - wish I could take my own advice sometimes. Awaiting results for anything can be a horrible experience as the "what if moster" rears it's ugly. Even with HPV....doesn't always mean its the worst case. Try not to compare either - our brain is a powerful tool, we can end up experiencing things our brain wants us to, or see things that are not there. There are a trillion things it could be and you've zoomed into the 2 you fear the most. Just try not to google. Keep yourself busy. There are some great youtube videos on HA. Also some excellent advice from members on the HA forums. Let me know how you do.

03-09-17, 18:15
I had this problem about 3 years ago. I was with my fiance for a year and hadn't been with anyone else but her during that year. I woke up with a raised red spot on my penis head about the size of a quarter. I noticed it in the shower because it started to sting. Long story short I Googled and read about STDs showing years later and saw pe is cancer and flipped out. Went to a dermatologist got swabbed and it was dermatitis. Same thing happened about a month ago same results. I've never heard of HPV showing as a rash usually warts, and my dermatologist said if it's not ulcer like then don't worry about an STD probably dermatitis or yeast.