View Full Version : Is this just anxiety?

02-09-17, 23:17
Hey everyone.

I'm really struggling atm because I'm dealing with some symptoms and I can't figure out what the cause of it is. I've had very little sleep over the last 5 days due to a uti that was waking me up every hour so I'm obviously very sleep deprived anyway but I went out to meet my mother today and after spending the day out walking and then coming home, I started to feel very shaky, kind of a weird feeling like I was on edge, feels a little bit like nausea but not entirely? My head was really lightheaded, I feel slightly breathless but at the same time it just feels like a weird sensation in my chest? I didn't know if it was low blood sugar or something so I tried to have some chocolate but it didn't help. Laying down also didn't alleviate the symptoms and I was still feeling rough and couldn't relax. I also can't seem to focus or concentrate on anything.

Now I know I'm tired but I don't know if this is a side effect of being tired or if it's random anxiety flared up by tiredness. I was concerned it was something more worrying but I know it can't be because my blood test came back clear a week ago.

For the record, I used to suffer severe panic attacks and anxiety but it's been years since I've suffered since I tend to stay out of situations that cause it. I also am having very frequent urination but can't really tell if that's the uti still not cleared up (even tho I'm on the last day of antibiotic lol)

Anyone know if this sounds like classic anxiety symptoms? I just wanna make sure that it's not something I should start worrying about like diabetes or something.

Hopefully someone will be able to reassure me!