View Full Version : please help, Sense of time?

05-06-07, 22:40
Today I had an aweful day with anxiety. I have been suffering from depersonalization/derealization I think and things are getting really wierd. The scariest thing is that I think my sense of time is off now.

Things arnt going by in slow-motion but it just feels like things are taking very long. It feels as if im not connected to time and I feel like just everythings going slowly or taking longer than they normally do. The last 10 minutes of my class felt like forever and I'm beginning to feel hopeless. Im shaking as I'm typing this and my heart rate has skyrocketed, is this normal with depersonalization/derealization?

06-06-07, 02:42

It is all normal, does that help?

Your mind and body is having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation, everyone copes with this in different ways.

If it is any consolation, I have experienced all the symptoms you describe so you are not alone and it sometimes seems that I am watching myself and not there in my body at other times I simply can't remember doing things. I lose no end of time, I sometimes look up and wonder where it has all gone?

I once did a waitressing shift to help out a former employer, he asked me if I had done a dessert for someone, the only way I recollected was by looking down. Messy so and so that I am, I had chocolate all over me, so I knew I had done it although I did not recollect it; I had done it on auto pilot.

Our minds find different ways of coping but we do cope eventually, I hope you find your way soon. I now write myself lots of notes, I am known within my household as the post it queen lol. We find our ways of dealing and adjusting and moving on.

hugs to you


06-06-07, 02:46
so this is just a symptom of anxiety and it will pass? Like ill be to remember things once the derealization/depersonalization goes away or is this going to be a constant thing I have to be on top of (like u said the post it notes?) and time wont seem so strange?

06-06-07, 03:00
Hi again,

I have found with time and self reflection and counselling in regard to the issues that triggered my PTSD that I cope with the symptoms much better.

However I am far from cured so can't give you professional advice as I am not qualified to do so. All I can recommend is that you try to deal with your symptoms as they present; trying to enable youself to carry out your daily obligations and responsabilities. I write post its, when and if my memory recovers I will stop as there will be no need but whatever you need to do to help youself have some semblance of normal life is what you must do.

When this is impossible accept that you are still trying to process and be kind to yourself; you don't develop PTSD through everyday events, so why expect an overnight cure?

Hugs to you


07-06-07, 09:07
hi diesel
i was told by a psychiatrist that ptsd can be compared to a sense of concussion from a psychological injury,the injury that caused your ptsd.
i found this correlation very easy to understand,and the symptoms that follow seem logical.if you have ptsd you have experienced a severe trauma and it is worth remembering that the mind is reacting sanely to a set of possibly insane events
hold on tight my friend
ade x