View Full Version : Week 5 and still feel crap

03-09-17, 03:48
So I've been on 20mg Citalopram for anxiety for almost 5 weeks now and I swear I don't feel any different! I had a panic attack the other day for the first time in months which really dented my confidence.

Should I just be patient and wait a few more weeks? I've got some really important stuff coming up in a few weeks and I can't afford to be in this state, I just can't function properly. I'm getting referred to a psychiatrist soon so hopefully I can have CBT as well.

03-09-17, 19:33
Still a bit early, so hang on in there. It was 12 weeks before I noticed a difference. When you're feeling rubbish, keep telling yourself that it's OK to feel like you're feeling, and that in time it will pass.

Good luck.

11-09-17, 18:26
I still don't feel that much better and i'm on 40MG of citalopram(6 months now). The doctor just added another med to see if that would improve things. It's only been two weeks on the new med , and I feel a tiny bit better, but need more improvement to function normally.

12-09-17, 06:55
Hello. I made my way gradually up to 40mg.. felt dreadful so reduced very slowly to 15mg and am now feeling loads better. My intention is to stick at 15mg for a month then go to 10 and so on until I'm cit free and then see how I feel. I definitely didn't feel better for being on a high dose.

14-09-17, 16:28
Hi Hambo - I sympathise with you as you have important stuff coming up. I am in the same boat, and I have just hit the proverbial brick wall at week 7.

One of the biggest things to grasp is seeing progress over longer periods. I started mine day-to-day and got myself worse. I sincerely hope you see some light soon, but as much as it sucks, these things take time.

I don't like to say up the dose or change meds at week 5 - as I am sure is the prevailing opinion - and as solly said.

Ethansmom - I am sorry to hear of your continuation, but same token glad you have found your glimmer of light