View Full Version : Thinking Drs are wrong....

03-09-17, 07:29
In middle of my worst HA flare up ever - on meds and seeking help to kick its butt. My main fear is misdiagnosis, and the very real feeling I'm right and everyone else (family members, 4 medics, tests) are wrong and I should be asking for more and more opinions and more and more tests.

Does anyone else feel like this?

03-09-17, 07:35
What is your fear and what do the doctors diagnosis' and scientific test results indicate?

Positive thoughts

03-09-17, 07:48
9 (!) years ago I had inflamed chest muscles after a work out - visibly swollen. Prominant rib was identified by myself. Fast forward 9 years, about 11 examinations by 4 medics, chest X-ray, bloods including bone profile, I am convinced I was misdiagnosed and have either bone or muscle sarcoma and I NEED more and more tests. It doesn't sit right with my that my diagnosis is "its your body and may have always been like that". My counsellor says more tests will not help as until I can control my anxiety, I will not believe the tests anyway.

Ironic thing is, the way the area feels to me (massively abnormal), is not how it feels to anyone else. When I'm more rational, it indeed just feels like a rib!

Go figure :(

03-09-17, 07:57
Yeah... go figure :) Extensive medical testing confirms no physical anomalies but mentally you're not in a place to accept it. Keep on working hard and hopefully you get to where you're as healthy mentally.

Good luck ans as always...

Positive thoughts

03-09-17, 08:11
I just keep thinking I should have an ultrasound to make sure not a muscle tumour, or a bone scan, or even repeat X-rays as last one 7 years ago to make sure nothing has changed - Dr has refused during my recent visit because nothing has changed. To be told by a Dr you are ok and no tests are needed should be reassuring but then I think they're fobbing me off. Dr did helpfully say if it was bone or muscular cancer I would be long gone by now! Cheery! But true I guess!

05-09-17, 18:55
Seems like you've had the tests needed to make a diagnosis, if i were you i'd try to relax and forget about it. you could always go back and see what other options you have but when you get the all clear from those tests you should really work on that anxoety.