View Full Version : North Korea and war worries

03-09-17, 08:20
Every time I read about North Korea it ruins my day and I feel so anxious. I have news alert on my phone and woke up to the latest nuclear test news? I'm really think ing about getting rid off my Samsung and getting a phone with no internet or anything!

03-09-17, 08:43
Can you turn the alerts off? I've got a Samsung and I don't bother with them. You will still be tempted to look but having a break will help.

As far as NK goes, they say they have a weapon. There is no independent confirmation. So, up there with him saying he's packing 12 inches in the trouser dept :winks: They will eventually get there but that's not necessarily now and only a madman would ever use one...not rich people who value their lifestyles.

03-09-17, 10:56
So what if they do have nuclear weapons? They're only trying to protect themselves. A war is less likely now because USA and NATO don't directly attack countries that can fight back. Hopefully this latest nuclear test will send a message to Trump that he should stop trying to act tough and let the big boys handle the situation.

On the other hand it's not a bad idea to go off the grid for a while and take a break from the news. The powers that be want you to live in fear because it makes it is easier for them to control you.

03-09-17, 12:42
Despite appearances, Kim Jong Un is not a madman - he is cold, calculating, and focused on self-preservation above all else. So even if they do have them, North Korea won't actually fire nuclear weapons as that would result in their own destruction too.
Definitely get rid of that news alert on your phone. You could also get a google extension called "Stay Focused", which blocks sites for you which you spend too much time on, which could be helpful?

03-09-17, 13:01
Despite appearances, Kim Jong Un is not a madman - he is cold, calculating, and focused on self-preservation above all else. So even if they do have them, North Korea won't actually fire nuclear weapons as that would result in their own destruction too.
Definitely get rid of that news alert on your phone. You could also get a google extension called "Stay Focused", which blocks sites for you which you spend too much time on, which could be helpful?

That sounds like a nice extension. The reassurance-seekers on here may benefit from that one! :yesyes:

03-09-17, 13:14
That sounds like a nice extension. The reassurance-seekers on here may benefit from that one! :yesyes:

I misspelled it slightly, that should be "StayFocusd", and you can get it through the chrome web store :)

03-09-17, 13:42
I think China are key in this. Yes they are allies of nk but they are also anxious to do business with the rest of the developed world. They have come on leaps and bounds economically and won't be about to mess that up.

Kim won't attack because he knows if he did it would be the end of nk. Very quickly. And trump won't nuke them because he will take out sk and half of China. Not a good move.

Turn off those notifications, news, papers and social media. Concentrate on what's happening in your own life and give yourself a break.

03-09-17, 14:57
Thanks for the replies to each of you. All have really helped! I suppose the media need to dramatise things to get views. Back to worrying about terrorism now :weep:

I have turned notifications off and will try and keep away from news.

03-09-17, 17:19
NUCLEAR WAR , I don't worry about one, if i am vaporised it will cure my BIPOLAR. :wacko::wacko::wacko:

03-09-17, 21:12
I'm also having really bad anxiety about this - every time I check the news or look at Twitter there's talk of WW3. I have upped my SSRI dose a bit and I'm trying not to check the news too much but it is difficult. I'm quite a worrier anyway but this is causing me real trouble at the moment - I'm waking up at 4.30 every morning and unable to get back to sleep, which is making me so tired and sad during the day that I start to cry. I wish I could turn off my brain. :-(

03-09-17, 21:39
I'm also having really bad anxiety about this - every time I check the news or look at Twitter there's talk of WW3. I have upped my SSRI dose a bit and I'm trying not to check the news too much but it is difficult.

For someone who has anxiety about WW3, twitter is the worst platform you can be on. It is full of people trying to get retweets so they try to be as outrageous as possible. I would suggest you deactivate your twitter account until this hysteria about WW3 ie over, eventually the news circus will move on to something else.

04-09-17, 01:17
Yes, this is ruining my days at the moment. I'm convinced we're heading for a nuclear war and I won't see my unborn child :-( Such a horrible thing, I'm even scared to look at the sky incase there's a nuclear flash.
As others have said I refresh Twitter every 5mins to check incase something has happened, it's almost compulsive.

04-09-17, 01:46

It's hard to turn off your news feed because you may well enjoy the news. Personally in terms of this, if you are feeling worried about it, you are allowed too. It's a scary thought and I think it's perfectly acceptable to feel scared, however remember that this has not happened yet, and it's just speculation. God I wish I could take that same advice with my own worries. I too worry about everything that has not happened yet, and i know how it feels. I too wish my brain would just turn off, and I could not give a damn about anything or anyone for a short while.

04-09-17, 08:01
however remember that this has not happened yet, and it's just speculation.

Thanks Gary; please know that this is useful advice and I take comfort from it.

04-09-17, 08:47
This really worries me too and is the reason I actually found this forum this morning.
u have GAD and the talk about war over the past 3-4 months has really pushed my anxiety to new level.

The recent events in NK and Japan have really scared me and I go to be extremely late because I don't want to go to sleep and last night I went to bed at 2.30, this morning I woke up really tired and pretend t my wife that I have gone to work but instead I'm working from home because I feel so rubbish.

I'm really teary and scared. Over the last few months I listen to planes flying over and get really scared because I think something is about to happen.

I used to ignore the news completely but I tried to have a new approach of watching it to educate myself and try to get the facts rather than make my own assumptions and tell my own stories in my head but this morning this has just made it worse and I've never felt this scared before.
Reading all your comments has helped but that voice in my head keeps telling me you are all just trying to make everyone feel better and it's not actually true.

---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ----------

It's such a shame I can't get into the chat room for 5 days - I really could do with talking to someone today. Does anyone know any other good chat rooms about anxiety?

04-09-17, 09:09
I used to ignore the news completely but I tried to have a new approach of watching it to educate myself and try to get the facts rather than make my own assumptions and tell my own stories in my head but this morning this has just made it worse and I've never felt this scared before.

---------- Post added at 08:47 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ----------

[/COLOR]It's such a shame I can't get into the chat room for 5 days - I really could do with talking to someone today. Does anyone know any other good chat rooms about anxiety?

If you contact the admins, i think they will give you access to the chat room straight away.

Even if you ignore the news completely you won't be any less informed about what's going on because the news is being used to push very specific agendas not to educate people. I would say 80% of the news is completely made up especially when it comes to terrorism and geo politics etc. As I've said before they're trying to scare people so that they go running to the government for "protection", it also helps the politicians stay relevant.

04-09-17, 09:29
Hi everyone,

this topic brought me back to the forum earlier in the year, around April. I have always feared war and conflict since childhood, and especially talk about nuclear weapons.

I know that part of me just wants the kind of complete certainty that I'll never be able to get in life - that's my anxiety - but I have come to feel, as others have advised, that the media is really whipping this up, along with politicians. For example, while the newspapers here have their frightening stock images and their analysis, and politicians talk about it to detract attention from other things, meanwhile our government's travel advisories for all countries in the region remains safe, except for North Korea itself, due to arrests of foreign citizens.

Still, this year has been some kind of exposure therapy for me, that's for sure. I hate 'breaking news alerts', but I feel less obliged to check the news than I did a few months ago.

04-09-17, 09:39
Thank you Hollow I appreciate the reply.

Vega can I ask are you on social media?

04-09-17, 11:42
War is a terrible thing really we actually need more peace not wars. I mean NK is being stupid testing long range missiles towards Guam No wonder Trump is annoyed I personally don't do SM for many reasons and only look at main stream tv news even that gets a bit much and I just switch it off when it gets too much :) Have a great day folks! Cheers

04-09-17, 13:55
I don't do twitter at all, never have. Rarely do fb, taken myself off because of boredom a few times and don't get me started on yahoo, msn, tabloids and the like.

All journalists who have no more knowledge about it than you or I. You have to remember, they are all geared up to be alarmist. To fill webspace or news columns. They are employed to do this. No one would click on a story about kim taking a bath, but Kim releasing a bomb and the whole world is clicking on it. Job done, wages earned.

I don't even listen much to what Trump or Kim have to say, they are just beating their chests like silverbacks. Turn off the social media, papers etc and keep your own life busy.

04-09-17, 14:35
I find it strange being out walking around today. People all seem to be happy going about their daily lives and I'm walking around wondering if we'll even see next week. My head is telling me I'm in the right and everyone else just doesn't have a full grasp of what is really happening?!

04-09-17, 14:45
I find it strange being out walking around today. People all seem to be happy going about their daily lives and I'm walking around wondering if we'll even see next week. My head is telling me I'm in the right and everyone else just doesn't have a full grasp of what is really happening?!

People didn't live terrified in bunkers when we were under daily attack from bombers last century. People didn't live in continual fear about the Cold War either.

I can remember being taught about what to do in case of nuclear war at school. I bet they don't do that anymore.

The same with terrorism. We remember the IRA and how life went on.

Work on getting your overall anxiety levels down as it can help with fears like this, I found. I used to be afraid of civil unrest too and public voting was scary to me, change & uncertainty as ever being the issue.

04-09-17, 14:50
I find it strange being out walking around today. People all seem to be happy going about their daily lives and I'm walking around wondering if we'll even see next week. My head is telling me I'm in the right and everyone else just doesn't have a full grasp of what is really happening?!

I think many people are concerned but they don't let it enter their immediate lives in the form of an anxiety disorder. Most of the anxiety on this forum is centred around suffering, loss and death. It's why anxiety has the potential to ruin lives - because you simply can't live and function in today's society with this burden.

04-09-17, 14:58
I think many people are concerned but they don't let it enter their immediate lives in the form of an anxiety disorder. Most of the anxiety on this forum is centred around suffering, loss and death. It's why anxiety has the potential to ruin lives - because you simply can't live and function in today's society with this burden.I talk to me partner about it and whilst she says she's concerned she says she can't change the outcome so she's not going to worry about it. I find that way of thinking baffling but then she doesn't have an anxiety disorder.

04-09-17, 15:04
I talk to me partner about it and whilst she says she's concerned she says she can't change the outcome so she's not going to worry about it. I find that way of thinking baffling but then she doesn't have an anxiety disorder.

I understand. To someone with an anxiety disorder it's almost negligent and irresponsible not to be worried about such an "imminent" and "real" danger. Yet to others that emotional intensity is not there. On a mental level they know there is some risk but they can switch off from it and watch The Simpsons.

04-09-17, 15:14
To someone with an anxiety disorder it's almost negligent and irresponsible not to be worried about such an "imminent" and "real" danger. Yet to others that emotional intensity is not there. On a mental level they know there is some risk but they can switch off from it and watch The Simpsons.

That's me - I wish I could be in the latter group! What's so troubling is that I don't think I was an anxious child or anxious during my 20s at all. As soon as I got to 35 I just starting worrying about obsessing about everything.

04-09-17, 15:41
It's all catastrophic thinking, which we are all familiar with unfortunately.
Other people just think this is a worry but it's not happening. Catastrophic thinkers jump immediately to radiation, starvation and as I think Terry puts it.... a Mad Max world.

Work on your thinking, would a worry tree help?
Yes and watch the Simpsons. My OH sticks the news on but as soon 6 o clock comes round I turn it over and get my daily Homer :)

04-09-17, 15:54
It's all catastrophic thinking, which we are all familiar with unfortunately. Other people just think this is a worry but it's not happening. Catastrophic thinkers jump immediately to radiation, starvation and as I think Terry puts it.... a Mad Max world.

That's so totally me.

04-09-17, 16:03
It's all catastrophic thinking, which we are all familiar with unfortunately.
Other people just think this is a worry but it's not happening. Catastrophic thinkers jump immediately to radiation, starvation and as I think Terry puts it.... a Mad Max world.

Work on your thinking, would a worry tree help?
Yes and watch the Simpsons. My OH sticks the news on but as soon 6 o clock comes round I turn it over and get my daily Homer :)So true, I always see the worst possible outcome in everything but then I think I'm the sane one and everyone else has their head in the sand!

04-09-17, 16:19
It depends on how your anxiety works. Not being a HAer any lump or bump I find matters nothing to me but the themes of my own anxiety are as real to me. It's not just about having one of these disorders because we have our overlaps but struggle in different ways. Being a GADer makes it more likely though as anything can set you off. I often think GAD mirrors other disorders to a point just not to the peaks they go to. Social anxiety, agoraphobia, etc can all come within whar we experience as I have found but I think it's different to having it as a primary disorder as you move between things more easily.

I used to think about war, terrorism, civil unrest, perceived big political changes just the same. Now I don't. I made a point of reading the news when out shopping to desensitise in a place I already struggled with but it's not easy and to be honest, I think a lot of it comes from learning to be kess anxious in general so there is less of a strong foundation in place to kick it off. Not that I'm less anxious, just in a different way than I was when it was really bad.

Learning to be stoic about these things is the best way or you drive yourself mad. If you want to chase everything for the better of humanity, that's great and respect to you, but that's different to be afraid of not being involved. Like B3521's GF's approach, you can't affect it so what's the use in worrying? We pay people a lot of money to be fully involved and keep us safe. There is a healthy level of involvement, from being a concerned citizen and it can differ for all of us from those disenfranchised to the activist mindset, but beware chasing causes that only harm your mental health. Where would it end? Do you become a copper to keep people safe, do you campaign, do you, etc etc. Where would your life have gone when you look back if all you do is chase after all this stuff?

---------- Post added at 16:19 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ----------

It's all catastrophic thinking, which we are all familiar with unfortunately.
Other people just think this is a worry but it's not happening. Catastrophic thinkers jump immediately to radiation, starvation and as I think Terry puts it.... a Mad Max world.

Work on your thinking, would a worry tree help?
Yes and watch the Simpsons. My OH sticks the news on but as soon 6 o clock comes round I turn it over and get my daily Homer :)

Exactly, and the typical other thinking styles that go with (jumping to conclusions, minimising, maximising, etc) and the need for all or nothing, the black or white thinking, when we live in a world that ebbs & flows.

It's great to be involved in changing things for the better but I'm not sure I'm cut out for the sharp end of that. That doesn't mean we can't do the little stuff to make the world better, helping a small charity get something done for the day all counts when you multiple by billions of people & events across lifetimes.

04-09-17, 17:30

04-09-17, 18:30
https://youtu.be/RPBX47zSktc THIS WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH NOT WORRY That's bloody amazing braindead it puppets too brill just like Gerry Anderson with his shows FAB :D Thanks that's made my day!! Cheers

04-09-17, 21:07
I wish things were that simple Terry I really do.

You seem to be more involved in the political side that the actual anxiety this is causing. Today I had one of my lowest days due to these thoughts. On a positive note I managed to tell me wife about my thoughts for the first time even though they did sound resiculously out loud and telling her has helped but I, having the thoughts I do, now feel like because I've told someone worse things will happen. It's a horrible loop.

I really like that you tried braindead but even a cartoon like that made it all seem too real and I just started thinking about how Kim is so stupid that he would do something insane. Crazy I know but so true.

never want to end my messages with something negative so if the above link doesn't appeal (thank you for trying at least) then this made me laugh over and over today... search hopefully even if for a few minutes it makes you smile too

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

My message shout have read... search "there's a monkey on the car" in YouTube. Typing isn't my strong point! Ha

04-09-17, 21:34
I wish things were that simple Terry I really do.

You seem to be more involved in the political side that the actual anxiety this is causing. Today I had one of my lowest days due to these thoughts. On a positive note I managed to tell me wife about my thoughts for the first time even though they did sound resiculously out loud and telling her has helped but I, having the thoughts I do, now feel like because I've told someone worse things will happen. It's a horrible loop.

I really like that you tried braindead but even a cartoon like that made it all seem too real and I just started thinking about how Kim is so stupid that he would do something insane. Crazy I know but so true.

never want to end my messages with something negative so if the above link doesn't appeal (thank you for trying at least) then this made me laugh over and over today... search hopefully even if for a few minutes it makes you smile too[COLOR="blue"]

It's easy to feel invalidated when others imply you're being irrational, given reasons as to why you shouldn't be fearful, comparisons to x, y, z outcome etc. But everyone here has their own, individual pet anxiety/fear, all equally irrational as the next, because that's the nature of anxiety disorders. There is a real danger, and it's exaggerated for sure in the anxious mind, but I feel the worst part is its persistence and obsessive nature of playing on the mind. Distractions work short-term but then even the smallest trigger and it rears its ugly head.

I have learned to live with it. But I cannot teach others acceptance.

04-09-17, 22:24
Ok, I'm now conivinced there'll be a nuclear war before next week. I can't believe we're living in this nightmare.

04-09-17, 22:52
Every time I read about North Korea it ruins my day and I feel so anxious. I have news alert on my phone and woke up to the latest nuclear test news? I'm really think ing about getting rid off my Samsung and getting a phone with no internet or anything!

Don't get rid of the phone. Get rid of the new alerts.

It's important to keep in mind that the media hypes everything up. They're like the drama queen in high school who loves exaggerating and stirring up trouble.

KJU doesn't want a nuclear war. He's just flexing his muscles because he has a small you know what.

The likely hood of there actually being a war with NK slim.

Stop listening to the media.

04-09-17, 22:58
Don't get rid of the phone. Get rid of the new alerts.

It's important to keep in mind that the media hypes everything up. They're like the drama queen in high school who loves exaggerating and stirring up trouble.

KJM doesn't want a nuclear war. He's just flexing his muscles because he has a small you know what.

The likely hood of there actually being a war with NK slim.

Stop listening to the media.It's not KJU I'm worried about, he's fairly predictable. Trump on the other hand.....

05-09-17, 00:22
It's not KJU I'm worried about, he's fairly predictable. Trump on the other hand.....

Don't worry. I'm sure Whitehouse made sure to give him fake codes to the nuclear bomb. Going to war would interfere with his weekly golf trips. And nothing gets in the way of his golfing.

05-09-17, 01:20
It's not KJU I'm worried about, he's fairly predictable. Trump on the other hand.....

The power of media strikes again then.

You are not afraid of a dictator who treats his own people like nothing and executes whoever he wants but you are afraid of a bloke elected to office in a democracy where he can barely have a fart without needing Congress to sign it off?

The US is a society built on wealth. How likely do you think they want to give all that up to live in a Stone Age society? Are they the kind of maniacs we see in ISIS?

This is where it's about the media. Constant streams about Western governments being loonies when we live in relatively free societies.

If Trump goes postal do you think he presses the button personally? Doesn't he have an army of advisers, politicians, lawyers, courts, etc all sitting there able to take action? Surely the US military aren't insane wanting to destroy everything around them? This is what certain news outlits like to infer through their waffling but it doesn't stack up in the slightest.

I realise these are the thoughts your subconscious is popping out at you and due to your current levels of anxiety & panic it's natural to be pulled into catastrophizing but you can get past this with a load of work.

---------- Post added at 01:12 ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 ----------

Ok, I'm now conivinced there'll be a nuclear war before next week. I can't believe we're living in this nightmare.

Based on what? Some newspapers trying to sell their wares? Or something from someone official raising the alert levels?

The same newspapers that tell us so much garbage rather than report facts. Where are the mutant rats invading us or the Spanish sex mad pellet resistant slugs?

Are you sure you are convinced? No doubts at all? Are you stockpiling things and barracading yourself in? If no, can you feel some doubt about the reality of the fear?

Some said the same things during the Cold War.

---------- Post added at 01:20 ---------- Previous post was at 01:12 ----------

I wish things were that simple Terry I really do.

You seem to be more involved in the political side that the actual anxiety this is causing. Today I had one of my lowest days due to these thoughts. On a positive note I managed to tell me wife about my thoughts for the first time even though they did sound resiculously out loud and telling her has helped but I, having the thoughts I do, now feel like because I've told someone worse things will happen. It's a horrible loop.

I really like that you tried braindead but even a cartoon like that made it all seem too real and I just started thinking about how Kim is so stupid that he would do something insane. Crazy I know but so true.

never want to end my messages with something negative so if the above link doesn't appeal (thank you for trying at least) then this made me laugh over and over today... search hopefully even if for a few minutes it makes you smile too

---------- Post added at 21:07 ---------- Previous post was at 21:04 ----------

My message shout have read... search "there's a monkey on the car" in YouTube. Typing isn't my strong point! Ha

I'm not saying they are simple, 10 years of anxiety has taught me very much the opposite. And your fears have a certain rational side to them but there are normal levels of concern/worry vs. anxiety disorder levels. The latter are obviously unhealthy and negative thinking styles are involved which make things seem worse than they really are.

I'm not involved in anything political, no more than anyone who reads or watches the news.

A few years back I was so anxious I was afraid to change a t-shirt or eat with the wrong cutlery or the wrong meal on the wrong day. So, I can understand irrationality. As a Magical Thinker, I've had plenty of it in my OCD side.

But how balanced is the fear? Is it within what could be considered a normal threshold? It's right to feel fear over violence but unless you have a real practical reason to protect yourself from it, ranging outside of what would be considered the norm is concerning as it will invade your life in many ways as anxiety disorders do.

I'm glad you've told your wife. She needs to know how you feel and support you and she knows you better than any of us can and whether you need some additional support to get through this.

05-09-17, 05:54
Thank you terry and thanks for not taking my post personally.

I guess I'm just scared, very very scared and as soon as somewhere here doesn't post that's it's all going to be ok I react badly.

This morning I woke up early to go to the gym, even if I get there and do nothing but all I can do is listen out for warning signs of nuclear war. Even writing those two words makes me feel sick.

I hope I can rationalise all of this soon as at the moment I'm scared to even turn on the tv and I feel sick to my stomach.

Any advise other than questioning how rational my thoughts are (I tried that and my mind just fort against it) would be really appreacitaed.

Thank you all for the support I think this forum is helping

05-09-17, 06:09

Good one :yesyes:

05-09-17, 07:15
Thank you terry and thanks for not taking my post personally.

I guess I'm just scared, very very scared and as soon as somewhere here doesn't post that's it's all going to be ok I react badly.

This morning I woke up early to go to the gym, even if I get there and do nothing but all I can do is listen out for warning signs of nuclear war. Even writing those two words makes me feel sick.

I hope I can rationalise all of this soon as at the moment I'm scared to even turn on the tv and I feel sick to my stomach.

Any advise other than questioning how rational my thoughts are (I tried that and my mind just fort against it) would be really appreacitaed.

Thank you all for the support I think this forum is helping

No worries. I guess a lot of what we say can sound simplistic "learn to accept X, Y & Z" but really where do you start? I always struggled with that because it's just words and doesn't really explain how to do it but I found Mindfulness gave me the structure to work myself into it as it uses exercises with slightly different themes that build on top of each other. I found acceptance was hard but slotted into place better this way by learning other things and the acceptance came with it (although I'm still learning it).

We feel utterly powerless with fears like this as we really can't do anything to mitigate it. At least if we fear a disease, like cancer, we can try to prevent it by being healthy.

When I started CBT my mind fought it too. I can remember asking myself what's the point, it's just words. As things change you realise it takes time for the subconscious to take the hint. It's demoralising until you see some improvement.

But aside from challenging thoughts there is the acceptance approach. That way you learn to detach the emotion. It can be what works best for you really, often combinations of things.

From a practical point of view look at daily stress. Do you rush to work? Are you rushed off your feet? Do you put yourself under pressure you don't need to? All these can start you off feeling more anxious and what a lot of us seem to find with obsessional worries is that the more stressed in general you are, the harder these seem to feel. Reduce the stress, the obsessions aren't as powerful. With that in mind, things like relaxation techniques can help.

What many of the HAers find is that inserting waiting times before they consult doctors helps. It is an exposure all in it's own as initially anxiety will rise but it should then fall after a time. The same is used in OCD to treat compulsions so it could apply to checking for news updates. The idea would be to try to stop yourself checking and building up the time you hold back on it or even reduce the frequency of checking until you get reach the point of not doing it at all.

Writing words that are triggering is pretty common. That will go as your anxiety reduces. It can feel like you are confronting it by admitting it's real when you commit it to paper or talk to someone about it. I think it's a bit like how someone will avoid seeking help because it locks them in with a perception they can't back out from it anymore, I think we see that a fair bit on here and I've done loads of it myself. We get sensitised to things, triggers become more frequent or wide ranging. I know from my own experience that these fade as overall anxiety reduces, it doesn't have to be about challenging all the time. Plenty of things these days I can just let pass me by when I couldn't before and would let them in and obsess over them. That's not to say I still haven't got plenty of work in that dept left though!

It's good that you are keeping a routine going. We often avoid things to the point of not wanting to go out and it can feel like we are protecting ourselves but we end up with too much time to think. If you can maintain routines, especially healthy behaviours like the gym, that's really good. The exercise will be good for the chemcials too, burn off some adrenaline. Longer periods of exercise can push cortisol levels up (over an hour, I think) so that's something to mindful of at the moment. Cortisol also spikes in our sleep and we wake up at the peak of it (typically giving us the morning anxiety we hate) so if it feels much harder at that point, it will fade as the cortisol reduces (or should do, it can depend how bad your anxiety is form my experience).

You will get plenty of support on here. War, terrorism, etc is an issue for some which you tend to see more on the GAD board. I think I was lucky that there wasn't as much going on when I went through this phase!

I'm sure others will add on their thoughts about how to deal with it. It helps seeing what others have found useful as it can be a bit of trial and error with mental health.

---------- Post added at 07:15 ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 ----------

Good one :yesyes:

I remember watching that film. :D

I'll add to that Frank Dreben in Naked Gun, the start of the film. That's who we need to send in to sort it all out. :roflmao:

05-09-17, 09:03
I think if nuclear war were imminent the news wouldn't be paying attention to the new Royal baby or to the Taylors tea factory in Harrogate (apparently sales of black tea are down)...Both heavily featured this morning with the odd mention of North Korea and Kim Jung Whatsit. To be honest there will probably be stuff on Kim Kardashian on other channels.

I used to work in Intelligence and found it hard to adapt to everyday life knowing what I knew. We are being well looked after around the clock and 2 loose cannons will be being extremely closely monitored by huge teams of people working behind the scenes. We have absolutely no control over this but the news media will be making sure that everything is hyped up..at the same time not forgetting celeb news of course!

I'm not sure there is any one way to lessen anxiety over this type of scenario. I don't really think much about it to be honest because I have my own problems to work through each day and have had experience of this in the past. I can understand how frightening this must be once anyone becomes fixated on this but it's a question of loosening the ties around the fixation despite the news leaping on every new development, almost with glee..

05-09-17, 09:19
You are right about the two loose cannons, I don't worry about war,only the one I fight with in my head.:weep:

05-09-17, 09:24
Me too...

05-09-17, 10:15
That's bloody amazing braindead it puppets too brill just like Gerry Anderson with his shows FAB :D Thanks that's made my day!! Cheers

https://youtu.be/Mbg1nEXQ1fI BIGBOYUK My favorit scene from team America the vomit scene , sounds gross but real funny:wacko::wacko::wacko:

05-09-17, 10:22
I think if nuclear war were imminent the news wouldn't be paying attention to the new Royal baby or to the Taylors tea factory in Harrogate (apparently sales of black tea are down)...Both heavily featured this morning with the odd mention of North Korea and Kim Jung Whatsit. To be honest there will probably be stuff on Kim Kardashian on other channels.

I used to work in Intelligence and found it hard to adapt to everyday life knowing what I knew. We are being well looked after around the clock and 2 loose cannons will be being extremely closely monitored by huge teams of people working behind the scenes. We have absolutely no control over this but the news media will be making sure that everything is hyped up..at the same time not forgetting celeb news of course!

I'm not sure there is any one way to lessen anxiety over this type of scenario. I don't really think much about it to be honest because I have my own problems to work through each day and have had experience of this in the past. I can understand how frightening this must be once anyone becomes fixated on this but it's a question of loosening the ties around the fixation despite the news leaping on every new development, almost with glee..

Thank-you for this reply, this did help in lots of ways and I really appreciate it.
Today I have gone into work and yes we have two news channels on all day and this subject comes up quite often but that is life I guess, I can't hide from it forever. Having people and work around to distract my thoughts to normal thoughts is really helping.

Thanks again to all those who helped me yesterday, it was a down day but today is looking brighter... well my outlook rather than the weather!

05-09-17, 11:57
Thanks to everyone who has posted - it has certainly helped me, but I am still fraught with worry. Every time I check the news there's some new angle or quote which just sends chills up my spine.

05-09-17, 12:37
Remember that "news" is now a round- the-clock non-strop maelstrom. The channels have got to develop new angles and get in new "experts" in order to fill the time up. In the past there was never this intense coverage nor this amount of information for public consumption. Things still happened but we didn't know about them.

I think it's good that that you've been able to get some respite from the heightened anxiety from your fellow workers. When you get too immersed it's difficult to see the wood from the trees but a bit of normality helps with perspective.

05-09-17, 13:31
Regarding the press etc having to fill airspace, webspace, pages etc.
I've just turned Jeremy Whine, oh sorry I meant Vine, off just now. On about it again for the second day running. Someone else's non important opinion.

There was a chap on breakfast this morning, far more interesting. He was a tourist guide for nk. Yes I was surprised but people do want to go there. He's off again next June. He said this is all self protection, nothing more. Apparently they openly say look what happened to Gadaffi and Hussein when the west took against them. The Kim's figure they won't be in the same danger if they have nukes. They have a point. He also said they know full well if they attack it will be suicide for their country so they wont do that.

As for Trump, he won't do anything unless they attack. I think the world will just have to ultimately accept a world with an armed nk. Just like it accepts all the others.

05-09-17, 13:53
I think if nuclear war were imminent the news wouldn't be paying attention to the new Royal baby or to the Taylors tea factory in Harrogate (apparently sales of black tea are down)...Both heavily featured this morning with the odd mention of North Korea and Kim Jung Whatsit. To be honest there will probably be stuff on Kim Kardashian on other channels.

I used to work in Intelligence and found it hard to adapt to everyday life knowing what I knew. We are being well looked after around the clock and 2 loose cannons will be being extremely closely monitored by huge teams of people working behind the scenes. We have absolutely no control over this but the news media will be making sure that everything is hyped up..at the same time not forgetting celeb news of course!

I'm not sure there is any one way to lessen anxiety over this type of scenario. I don't really think much about it to be honest because I have my own problems to work through each day and have had experience of this in the past. I can understand how frightening this must be once anyone becomes fixated on this but it's a question of loosening the ties around the fixation despite the news leaping on every new development, almost with glee..

^ Listen to Miss Moneypenny about it, Bond's real boss, not M! :yesyes:

If things were currently so bad the last place you would find our PM would be Japan. A bunker with the rest of the politicians maybe though :whistles:

Although if Kim has a spare missile going, if he can aim for the empty remains to land on that Idiot Liam Fox at the bar whilst out there, I would be torn on how bad it was :winks:

---------- Post added at 13:53 ---------- Previous post was at 13:48 ----------

Regarding the press etc having to fill airspace, webspace, pages etc.
I've just turned Jeremy Whine, oh sorry I meant Vine, off just now. On about it again for the second day running. Someone else's non important opinion.

There was a chap on breakfast this morning, far more interesting. He was a tourist guide for nk. Yes I was surprised but people do want to go there. He's off again next June. He said this is all self protection, nothing more. Apparently they openly say look what happened to Gadaffi and Hussein when the west took against them. The Kim's figure they won't be in the same danger if they have nukes. They have a point. He also said they know full well if they attack it will be suicide for their country so they wont do that.

As for Trump, he won't do anything unless they attack. I think the world will just have to ultimately accept a world with an armed nk. Just like it accepts all the others.

Agreed. If China can keep them close, they won't want the likes of the US trying to keep them down. China also don't want any extension of SK as new US bases will pop up close to them.

Like pulisa said, it's just 1% news 99% blather these days. "Opinion pieces" and often to fit the outlet's political compass.

A tour guide in NK must be like "and on the left we see the torture chambers"...

05-09-17, 14:07
Exactly and although they would be safe in a bunker ( probably a posh one) would the royals want to bring another baby into Terry's Mad Max world. No matter how many gold loos it had, I would not fancy a life trapped in a bunker, unable to leave because of what's going on outside.

So they are obviously not over worried about the situation.

---------- Post added at 14:07 ---------- Previous post was at 14:03 ----------

He said he was escorted by guides, or should that be guards ;) but the people were basically friendly and some were becoming less indoctrinated now and more aware of the world.
He likened it to a state in the Cold War. But the capital had lots of bars and eating places etc

05-09-17, 15:26
I don't think either the US or NK will attack pre emptively but I fear miscalculation and NK will probably start firing off missiles again soon. :-(

05-09-17, 15:47
https://youtu.be/Mbg1nEXQ1fI BIGBOYUK My favorit scene from team America the vomit scene , sounds gross but real funny:wacko::wacko::wacko:Not really my bag (no pun intended:whistles:) Mind you with Family Guy which I absolutely love has many scenes with being sick in it I just ride it out the rest is really funny with the one liners :roflmao:Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

Wether you like Trump or not he wont take action unless NK takes action first wether it's a test or not NK shouldn't be attempting this and should stop now IMHO :) Nuculear war fare is terrible as is any war we need more peace in the word there's enough with these terroists groups springing up ever where :eek: Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ----------

I don't think either the US or NK will attack pre emptively but I fear miscalculation and NK will probably start firing off missiles again soon. :-( Like I said wether it's attack or tests it will probably be NK first if they want to test, test else where not 20 miles from a habitied place?? Cheers

05-09-17, 16:26
What is this, Cold War lite? I'm getting just a little bit sick of it!

05-09-17, 17:13
Not really my bag (no pun intended:whistles:) Mind you with Family Guy which I absolutely love has many scenes with being sick in it I just ride it out the rest is really funny with the one liners [emoji23]Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

Wether you like Trump or not he wont take action unless NK takes action first wether it's a test or not NK shouldn't be attempting this and should stop now IMHO :) Nuculear war fare is terrible as is any war we need more peace in the word there's enough with these terroists groups springing up ever where :eek: Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ----------

Like I said wether it's attack or tests it will probably be NK first if they want to test, test else where not 20 miles from a habitied place?? CheersThey can't test their long range missiles anywhere but over land because of their geographical position. Yes, it's highly provocative and runs the risk of hitting land by mistake. They think the risk is worth taking otherwise they'll be attacked by the US.

05-09-17, 17:29
Not really my bag (no pun intended:whistles:) Mind you with Family Guy which I absolutely love has many scenes with being sick in it I just ride it out the rest is really funny with the one liners :roflmao:Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:35 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

Wether you like Trump or not he wont take action unless NK takes action first wether it's a test or not NK shouldn't be attempting this and should stop now IMHO :) Nuculear war fare is terrible as is any war we need more peace in the word there's enough with these terroists groups springing up ever where :eek: Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:47 ---------- Previous post was at 15:35 ----------

Like I said wether it's attack or tests it will probably be NK first if they want to test, test else where not 20 miles from a habitied place?? Cheers

bigboy do you have a vomit phobia, its a funny scene because of the over the top spew sorry, and family guy i watch them all, did you no they do family guy cartoon porn now that is sick:sofa:

05-09-17, 17:50
They can't test their long range missiles anywhere but over land because of their geographical position. Yes, it's highly provocative and runs the risk of hitting land by mistake. They think the risk is worth taking otherwise they'll be attacked by the US. Sure that said though, it's a very huge risk and if it did reach any part of the US TRump would not hesitate to take action! NK has a very young leader who seems to be power crazy and untouchable well he isn't :) It's a very dangerous game to play! Cheers

---------- Post added at 17:38 ---------- Previous post was at 17:32 ----------

bigboy do you have a vomit phobia, its a funny scene because of the over the top spew sorry, and family guy i watch them all, did you no they do family guy cartoon porn now that is sick:sofa: No not atall braindead just don't like seeing scenes like that :)
And American Dad too that's my second fav show from the Seth Mcfarlane stable! Yuck you are joking hope Seth wasn't involved with that vile springs to mind. and don't post any links on that crap either. On A happy note did you know the opening and closing music and little bits of music in the show is a full piece orchestra not electronically enhanced? Brilliant

---------- Post added at 17:50 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

Just realising we are drifting OT so out of respect for the OP (although a occasional detour is fine) we need to get back to the topic. For me while it's a worrying thing to contemplate there's not a lot we can do about it sure we can make our views known but it's not going to help. We are supposed to be on this earth to help and love etc We can live in hope I guess :) Cheers

05-09-17, 17:58
It's all about sabre rattling. I don't know about POTUS but FLATUS suits the President better in my opinion.

05-09-17, 18:54
So I told my psychiatrist today I think the world's about to end and her answer was "why worry about it when it's out of your control". I can't understand this logic.

05-09-17, 19:09
So I told my psychiatrist today I think the world's about to end and her answer was "why worry about it when it's out of your control". I can't understand this logic. I can if you cant control something then there is no point worrying about it, even though we do.
Another way of putting I go to a group and we always say the Serenity Prayer God grant me the courage to accept the things I can't change, courage to change the things that I can and the wisdom to know the difference :) So true is this quote HTH Cheers

06-09-17, 04:53
So I told my psychiatrist today I think the world's about to end and her answer was "why worry about it when it's out of your control". I can't understand this logic.

Being stoic. CBT has roots in stoicism.

Do you also worry about being a victim of violent crime? It's far more likely. Or maybe a car accident? Even more likely. Yet you won't see threads about them just like all the cancers worriers or rare disease worriers on the HA board. Isn't that illogical?

06-09-17, 08:00
Do you also worry about being a victim of violent crime? It's far more likely. Or maybe a car accident? Even more likely. Yet you won't see threads about them just like all the cancers worriers or rare disease worriers on the HA board. Isn't that illogical?

Yes, totally illogical to my rational brain - my drive into work this morning had a far greater immediate risk for me than what's going on in North Korea, but still I can't help worrying and I can't help having catastrophic thoughts about what could go wrong between NK and the US. Brains are pretty strange places.

06-09-17, 10:04
So I told my psychiatrist today I think the world's about to end and her answer was "why worry about it when it's out of your control". I can't understand this logic.

You cannot do anything about it so why worry is what he is saying. if it happens do you think your the only 1 is going to effect. I dont give a flying F>>> its the least of my worries like your shrink . just think no more anxiety or depression worrying about suicide. Your not going to be the only one left on your own roaming a wasteland . You wont even no if it happens :sofa:

06-09-17, 14:34
Yes, totally illogical to my rational brain - my drive into work this morning had a far greater immediate risk for me than what's going on in North Korea, but still I can't help worrying and I can't help having catastrophic thoughts about what could go wrong between NK and the US. Brains are pretty strange places.

They certainly are strange places. They make navigating mental health quite a challenge!

Terrorism is always a good one to compare because it's rare yet murder & violent crime isn't. If you looked at the crime statistics for my city you would see violent crime is far more likely. We've yet to experience acts of terrorism.

Then I think about how anxiety doesn't just look for any threat, it looks for the shocking stuff. Intrusive thoughts are a good example of this in that they typically target your Achilles Heal because the process is attempting to reinforce it's importance to exist in protecting us. That's why patents often have the themes that would be most shocking to them - harming their kids.

01-01-18, 11:16
I'm pretty sure 2018 is the year things kick off. I've checked, and it's DEFCON 5 at the moment, but it looks to me like that could change any day. They say their missiles can reach the US mainland soon, and I dread to think what'll happen then.