View Full Version : My memory

03-09-17, 22:11
My memory is worrying me. I feel like I keep forgetting things, and not being able to find the correct words that I need so having to use another word instead. One night, I was trying to remember the name of a restaurant and I just could not for the life of me remember it, I had to Google it to find out. Another thing, I used my old phone for over a year with the same password, it was a 4 number pin number but a day after getting my new phone I completely forgot it. I never remembered the numbers, I just used my hand but now I can't recall the number or pattern and that has really frightened me. My anxiety is making me feel like I'm going through something more serious. I'm really starting to worry about this.

03-09-17, 22:16
I forgot what I was going to say ;)

Positive thoughts

03-09-17, 22:51
I forgot what I was going to say ;)

Positive thoughts

Don't be glib Fish! :lac:

It's all relative to how good your memory was before this episode. I used to have a near photographic memory when I was younger but meds have buggered that up. So it depends on many factors.... But although anxiety ostensibly has myriad symptoms, I would point out that brain fog is strongly associated with prolonged anxiety. But as I said, there are many factors, including meds.

If you're really worried, and over the age of 50, you might want to see your GP who can carry out some simple memory tests to rule out anything serious and put your mind at rest.

03-09-17, 23:04
Don't be glib Fish! :lac:

I think of something at work, walk out of my office and forget what I got up to do in the 1st place! ~lol~ (a side effect from chemo), BUT... I can play a song I haven't played in years and remember all the words and music without a hitch. Go figure! Memory is relative unless you have a legitimate cause.

Taking into consideration the OP is a teenager and her post history (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/search.php?searchid=6407253&pp=25), it's quite obvious this is an anxiety issue as opposed to an organic one. Thus my 'glibness' ;)

Positive thoughts

04-09-17, 02:51
Mav, there are so many threads about memory issues on the forum. Most of them are from those worrying about more severe mental illness and some have specialists or doctors saying it's not what they thought, etc. All the usual stuff really.

Serotonin is involved in memory & cognition, the thing we are often found to be low in. So, it is any wonder we are struggling with mental functions?

Think of it this way, if you dehydrate yourself or stay up several days to deprive yourself of sleep, what happens? Do you find your mind working tip top or is your head up your bum?

Look at some of my posts about memory issues I've had. The same issues with word recall, short term memory issues, basic maths like deducting from receipts (and my last career involved lots of statistical analysis), walking across roads without thinking, even walking out of a shop without paying once! My head was a mess and these things happen. Like KK said, brain fog can be a factor too and it's hard to think straight when you are experiencing that.