View Full Version : Diarrhoea on antibiotics

03-09-17, 23:17
I know its common just seeking advice.

I'm taking antibiotics and have had diarrhoea ever since. Only on day three but when I gotta go I gotta go. Is there anything I can take/eat/drink to help?

03-09-17, 23:19
Drink loads of water or get re hydration sachets

03-09-17, 23:22
I know way too much about you, Helen...

03-09-17, 23:26
Haha sorry Server. Pharmacist was like its very common but if its too much tell doctor but whats too much? I've never really had this for this long lol.

---------- Post added at 23:26 ---------- Previous post was at 23:25 ----------

Even ate mostly veg today to see if that would help!

03-09-17, 23:30
You don't need a high fibre diet when you have diarrhea - just drink more water as I said but I seem to be ignored.

03-09-17, 23:52
Also, dehydration can affect the amount of electrolytes in your body, especially sodium and potassium so make sure that you're replacing the salt you're losing and eat bananas :) You should still make sure you're eating even if it seems pointless..

04-09-17, 00:02
Even ate mostly veg today to see if that would help!

That will NOT help! Avoid fruit and veg :lac:

Catherine S
04-09-17, 00:12
Especially sprouts! :lac:

04-09-17, 08:54
I always get this with antibiotics and I usually take an Imodium/loperamide (one seems to be enough for me) if I'm out and about with the kids and can't be running to the toilet all the time. The other poster above said about drinking lots of water and getting those hydration sachets - that's good advice as you can start to feel a bit weak. I find ginger tea is good also to settle the stomach and make it with grated fresh ginger, but you can also get tea bags x

04-09-17, 10:31
I try too avoid antibiotics the body can become immune to them,last time I took an antibiotic I got the runs, I drank lucazade and ate dry toast,ginger is very good.:)

04-09-17, 19:36
I had a severe infection after back surgery a few years ago, and was on antibiotics for several months (and two different kinds - you can imagine how my digestive felt!). The only thing that I found that helped, as per the suggestion of my surgeon, was to eat yogurts which contained live bacteria. I ate two to three Activia yogurts a day, and the diarrhoea stopped within a couple of days,

04-09-17, 21:49
Touch wood its it's been ok today but I wore tights and this seems to have made the toe look worse. It didnt look infected previously now I'm worried (logically not health anxiety) Do I go see doctor again? 4th day out of 7 should it have cleared up?

Catherine S
04-09-17, 22:28
I don't think 4 days is a long time for this kind of thing to clear up to be honest. Mine went on for quite some time...a few months if I remember right.

I think half of your problem with your ailments is a lack of patience...that comes across quite strongly. If something hasn't cleared up within a week you start questioning why, and become anxious that it's more serious than it really is. Give your body more time to heal...you're not E.T. :)

Cath S

04-09-17, 23:15
I'm trying to learn when to be concerned and when it's my anxiety. Obviously a toenail infection (yum) is REAL and the side effects are real. I have not googled toe cancer because I'd 99% find something. I saw a doctor, got diagnosed and prescribed. I am definitley impatient as a person lol regardless of anxiety �� but I have not had bottom issues today which is a bonus ha.

04-09-17, 23:29
but I have not had bottom issues today which is a bonus ha.

So you WERE responsible for the spam bots! :lac:

Give yourself time to heal as Cath says. And DON'T Google.

04-09-17, 23:35
but I have not had bottom issues today which is a bonus ha.

Please please keep us up to date on this. :roflmao:

05-09-17, 01:32
Antibiotics tend to take a few days to start up and then you tend to notice changes. But courses are not always long enough and if at the end it's still an issue, or it comes back, anyone would pop into the docs and he/she would likely give you another course as the first hasn't been enough. But it;s best to wait towards the end of a course or based on the advice the GP gave about when to come back (as they often do the old "see how it goes, come back if not better or something changes" routine).

Probiotic yoghurt alongside antibiotic treatment is something the NHS are coming around to, it's still a research area for many reasons when it comes to healthy bacteria.

When my mum was in with pneumonia she was on strong IV antibiotics as well as oral and she lived in the toilet (luckily she had one in her room) for days. After that she ended up with constipation. A few days of yoghurt and she was back to normal.