View Full Version : Struggling with workmen in my home

04-09-17, 10:11
I am having a new bathroom fitted and although I really want it done I am finding it really hard with people in and out my house. I am scared I am going to have a panic attack while they are here and embarrass myself. I always like to deal with panic/anxiety on my own. That's why I like being at home on my own. I am also not very good at talking to people and get worried when they ask me something as lack of confidence makes it really hard for me to make decisions. I wish they would hurry up and finish.

I Don't Get it!
04-09-17, 18:13
I'm totally the same! Tbh, I don't like anybody coming to my house, I see it as my safe space where I can relax - impossible with workmen coming in and out or relatives waiting to be fed and entertained.

I also get the thing about not wanting to talk to people. With me it's not just indecision it's that I get so anxious my words come out garbled. I probably sound like I've had a stroke - it's so humiliating.

All you can do is tell yourself that it's temporary and they'll be gone soon. Tell yourself you can do this. Take plenty of deep calming breaths and don't criticise yourself for feeling like this - Visualise yourself having a relaxing warm bath in your fab new bathroom, with some soothing aromatherapy bubbles.

All the best :flowers:

06-09-17, 12:57
Yes I'm a bit like this. Even when I'm not anxious I hate workmen in the house. They seem to be everywhere and routines go to pot. When we took over this house, we really had to overhaul the lot, new windows, kitchen, bathroom, central heating system, stairs.
In the end, the workmen became friends because they were here so much and I had no issues with them being here.

It won't last forever, nothing ever does, certainly not bathroom makeovers :)
You will get through it, promise.