View Full Version : MRI & blood &I attempted suicide

04-09-17, 11:37
Hi guys I haven't wrote on here for a few days so here's the story:

Last Thursday I was told I have a chance of having AS in my spine, I spiralled out of control went home and stuck a knife to my throat, I didn't do anything as my dad stopped me, police took me to A&E and I've been under the crisis team for a week in that week I've had a full blood count and a MRI to test for various things as well as AS.
I got my blood results back two days ago and that came back all normal which obviously rules out ALOT, and the doctor called me this morning with my MRI results which came back showing no sign of AS just a slipped disc which isn't serious and might even fix itself long term. Basically what I'm saying is never never jump to conclusions no matter how convinced you are of something it's not always going to be what you think it is. It has took something drastic for me to realise I need help for my anxiety and I'm now having weekly meetings with a psychiatrist to help me.

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04-09-17, 14:55
I am so sorry that you are going through this. I can honestly say I know how you feel. There were times that my HA was so bad, I thought I would be better off not around. I've never even attempted it, but it's crossed my mind - I can say that much for sure. And you put it best - jumping to conclusions never turns out good. It can literally mean life or death for some people.

I'm very happy to hear that all turned out okay with your health in addition to you seeking the help you are getting. I myself have never felt the need to do so because I just move past it. I always say, "ignore it, and it'll go away." I have school to keep me occupied a lot and I think that helps a lot too.

But, let me know how everything turns out for you. :)

04-09-17, 14:58
I'm sorry to hear that Jonny. Sometimes it takes something "drastic" to take action and move on with your life, which is what you'll now hopefully do.

04-09-17, 16:07
I'm sorry to hear this :( I knew from your previous post you were really, really struggling. I'm glad your folks got you to the hospital and you're being treated.

Best wishes and as always...

Positive thoughts

04-09-17, 16:10
I am in such a better state of mind now but it really just proves how much anxiety can make your body does funny things to your body like aches and pains etc as I've had full blood count and MRI which really In terms of tests I can't have a lot more hahaha

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04-09-17, 16:47
In February 2016, I walked out of my house in London where I was living at the time, with the intention of taking my life. I won't say how I planned to do it, but I'd just had a massive breakdown and was convinced I was dying. I wasn't particularly depressed, which just goes to show how dangerous anxiety and out-of-control fear can be. I didn't actually want to die, I just thought I was already dying and decided I would save myself the suffering.

Fortunately, I called an ambulance instead. It took them six hours to get to me, but they came and I ended up spending a night in hospital. I was never placed under a crisis team, although I suspect I probably should have been. The fact nobody saw me while I was in the midst of the crisis is probably why it didn't happen.

Anyway, I had all sorts of scans and tests that proved beyond doubt I was fine physically, and I gradually realised and accepted my problem was anxiety. The doctors, therapists and sertraline essentially saved my life. I'm sure anyone can tell from the way I post these days just how much progress I've made, and just how much progress it's possible to make. It's never too late to come back from the brink, and you can always get better.

04-09-17, 19:31
Hi Jonny what roller coaster of a ride for you bad start and a happier ending :) So glad you are receiving help for you Anxiety so is the psychiatrist giving you therapy of some sort or just generally talking with you? And yeah think you have every test under the sun done on you LOL Keep us updated mate :) Cheers