View Full Version : Anbodys finger twitch when holding hands outw

04-09-17, 17:07
When I hold my hands out facing down my index and pointer finger twitch from side to side or just twitch. Mostly left hand. Right hand there's movement like a tremor but not moving twitches. Lord this is driving me insane. I do have a 1 yr old I carry a lot and I lift heavy stuff. I did the strength test and lifted a 35 pound bar stool with my two fingers. My toes twitch too but doesesnt bother me as much as the hands. Help please.

04-09-17, 17:15
How can we help? You're self testing by doing things most people don't do and examine as close as you are. You have to help yourself by quelling the urge to self examine your every move or niggle.

I get twitches and cramps and my neck painfully seizes up like a piece of steel on the side I had treatment several times a day. It is what it is and doesn't mean anything more.

Positive thoughts

04-09-17, 18:30
Everyone twitches! Stop doing strength tests, your poor fingers are going to be so sore you're not going to be able to pick your nose .lol

04-09-17, 18:32
Yup just tried it out as you described and mine twitch too, and I have very steady hands when I'm using them.

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04-09-17, 19:39
Don't mean to be a pain the rear guys. It's just that this is all new to me. Twitching everywhere started followed by muscular jerks. For instance my wrist will jerk my hand one way , or my torso will jerk, my shoulder would jerk up, my ankle will jerk my foot the other way. It's like I'm posses. I will lay there in shock. One time I got up and grabbed my phone to look something up and my arm and hand jerked my phone away . This all happened from one day to the next. I could feel the buzzing in my body before it happens. Also get trembled like I'm cold but not, my teeth chatter like I'm in the South pole. Freaky. I am on ativan. Maybe I should keep my dose stable. I tried to get off and the jerks and shakes were ridiculous. I'm stuck on this for life. When I hold my phone my thumb or finger twitches or trembles a bit too. Are all nuerological conditions something to be afraid of like and ALS
Can I have something benign? Sick of catastrophic thinking. I'm down the als rabbit hole and I see no way out unless Alice will save me. Lol, not really laughing

04-09-17, 20:11
Don't mean to be a pain the rear guys. It's just that this is all new to me. Twitching everywhere started followed by muscular jerks. For instance my wrist will jerk my hand one way , or my torso will jerk, my shoulder would jerk up, my ankle will jerk my foot the other way. It's like I'm posses. I will lay there in shock. One time I got up and grabbed my phone to look something up and my arm and hand jerked my phone away . This all happened from one day to the next. I could feel the buzzing in my body before it happens. Also get trembled like I'm cold but not, my teeth chatter like I'm in the South pole. Freaky. I am on ativan. Maybe I should keep my dose stable. I tried to get off and the jerks and shakes were ridiculous. I'm stuck on this for life. When I hold my phone my thumb or finger twitches or trembles a bit too. Are all nuerological conditions something to be afraid of like and ALS

Can I have something benign? Sick of catastrophic thinking. I'm down the als rabbit hole and I see no way out unless Alice will save me. Lol, not really laughing

I know when I'm anxious, or more so than normal I find that I'm keeping myself very tensed up and that results in a lot of twitching about the place, if your worried you should get yourself to a dr and have a little chat about everything, perhaps even print this out and show them how your mind will go over things as well.

Well wishes

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04-09-17, 20:22
Hiya, I get this twitching in my hands a lot and I've had it for years, I think it's down to me being nervous/anxiety, or sometimes I get it if my blood sugars drop, I do also get a sensation like I'm vibrating or buzzing inside, I can get this anywhere on my body and I know it's linked to my anxiety, I just need to know how to stop it, I hope you feel better knowing your not along with that :)

Catherine S
04-09-17, 23:21
If you're using the well known nmp phrase "down the ALS rabbit hole" then you know you're quoting Fishmanpa, and to do that you've obviously either read the ALS threads, or had previous advice yourself about this....my apologies but I haven't taken the time to trawl through your post history, but either way you know you don't have ALS...so...that's my advice here tonight. You don't have ALS.

Best wishes
Cath S ☺

04-09-17, 23:27
If there is any question you want to ask me about motor neurones then please ask away as my dad had this and I looked after him so I know a lot about the symptoms etc, if it would put your mind at ease x

05-09-17, 00:12
To Catherine, I believe were all here because we have a health anxiety. Health anxiety doesn't go away because you read someone's quote. I have health anxiety with OCD. I can't help but focus on my symptoms and once something has been put in my head i struggle really really hard to fight through it. That means someone to talk to. Don't have much of that in my life. I'm sorry if I offended you but this is no laughing matter to my life. I suffer EVERYDAY. I have not read ALS THREADS. I HAD PUT UP A POST ABOUT MY FEAR OF IT AND PEOPLE RESPONDED. FISHMANPA WAS VERY NICE TO ME SO I SOUGHT OUT A FEW OF HIS POSTS. AND YES I AM DOWN THE ALS RABBIT HOLE WHETHER YOU TOOK OFFENSE TO THAT IS CONFUSING AND HAS PUT ME OFF A BIT. BUT THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY.

Catherine S
05-09-17, 00:22
Beat me up why don't you :shrug:. It was meant as advice. Why on earth would you think I wasn't acknowledging your anxiety? It wasn't meant unkindly, but hey...you go ahead and turn my reply into a negative if you prefer to. I'll stick with the positive if that's ok. You don't have ALS.

Or I can pat you on the head and say "there there, you don't have ALS, isn't that great" if it makes you less aggressive?

Jesus...calm down.

05-09-17, 06:04
Leave JC out of it.My middle finger gets twitchy when I get mad:finger:and I and yourself do not have ALS.:D

05-09-17, 06:36
A lot of people describe this onset of symptoms after a long period of stress. It's called Benign Fasciculation Syndrome.

ALS tends to come on less with the twitchies, more with the paralysis in small muscles of the foot or hand. Stories tend to be like "I dropped a cup/I kept tripping" etc Often people have no idea what is happening because sensory nerves are not involved, so they don't feel that different. They just can't do stuff.

You feel terrible. I think you're stressed.

---------- Post added at 22:36 ---------- Previous post was at 22:33 ----------

Did you just get on ativan or change your dose at all?