View Full Version : Lump on husbands leg - so scared of melanoma

04-09-17, 17:17
I'm worried about a lump I saw on my husbands leg today, on his thigh. It's a raised lump and he says he always thought he had a freckle there but it's got bigger and turned into a lump lately. I'm sick with worry about it. I can't stop thinking about melanoma. He's not bothered with it (he doesn't suffer from HA) and says he will go to a doctor if it gets bigger, but he said he'd be too embarrassed to go now as he thinks a doctor would nearly laugh at him (not literally, but that's how trivial he thinks it is). He says it's just my HA causing me to react like this. He really thinks there's nothing to worry about and a "normal" person would not go to a doctor with it.
I'm so worried about it I'm nearly getting sick. He let me measure it and it's about 4mm - 5mm in diameter.
Does it sound like it could possibly be melanoma? It's kind of a dark reddish/brown in colour.
Any advice what i can do here? I'm struggling.....

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

I forgot to say, I was thinking of googling something like "benign skin lumps".
Is this a good or a bad idea? I know we should never google but I'm so desperate to find out what it is

04-09-17, 17:22
For what it's worth... DO. NOT. GOOGLE!!!!!

Positive thoughts

04-09-17, 19:08
There is no point in googling since it's impossible to know what it could be without biopsy.

If he were my husband, he would be going to the doctor though. Anything that is changing/getting bigger just needs to be seen and taken off for testing. It could be benign. I have had changing moles removed and they ended up benign. JUst get his tush to the dermatologist and make sure he mentions the thing has changed.

I just had to send my husband, who skipped his skin check for like 3 YEARS! I ended up making an appointment for him and shaming him into going. He had lots of new gunk on his skin, shivers. He got out of there without any biopsies, but I had told him which marks to ask about. Sometimes HA serves its purpose, lol. Chances are good your husband does not have melanoma, but better safe than sorry.

06-09-17, 18:07
I was doing ok the last day or so about this, was even able to not think about it for a while. But about an hour ago it just hit me again and i'm in a panic over it since.
He's an adult so I can't force him to go to a doctor, especially when he feels there is no need to. And he did say he'll keep an eye on it and if it gets bigger he'll go to doctor.
How can I stop myself worrying and panicking about it as it is completely out of my control? If the lump was on my leg I'd be gone straight to the doctor but when it's not there isn't anything I can do!
I just feel so scared and hopeless now. How do I deal with this and not let it take over my life?