View Full Version : Worried about getting Vitiligo (Micheal Jackson condition)

05-09-17, 00:56
Hi, hope everyone is well. I'm sure I made a thread about this years ago, but this fear recently shown itself again, I have noticed a very mild or unnoticeable pale patch on my forehead, saw it for the first time when i decided on a new look and started shaving my head, mum sees a tiny bit of blemish while others cant see a thing. I'm sure it used to be small, this was less then a month ago, but now i think that it increased in size, as its not where i first saw it anymore, its gone further down, its hard to catch, but when i look for it, i can see it.

I really value my appearance and the recent new shaved look gave me a confidence boost and getting vitligo would be a massive pain in the ass. It would unleash a whole host of anxiety and maybe depression.

Catherine S
05-09-17, 01:21
Vitiligo is very rare, and blemishes and odd patches of lighter coloured skin doesn't mean you will develop this condition, there are lots of other skin conditions out there that are more common than vitiligo.

Cath S ☺ x

05-09-17, 14:44
Vertiligo is very rare, and blemishes and odd patches of lighter coloured skin doesn't mean you will develop this condition, there are lots of other skin conditions out there that are more common than vertiligo.

Cath S ☺ x
Hey. I didn't mention that I have a brown skin colour. Also what other skin conditions are there that have pale patches that isn't virtiligo? I remember having dry dry skin on the area that I see it. And I was itching it and tore some skin off.

Gary A
05-09-17, 16:57
I have vitiligo, but it's a very mild form which isn't at all noticeable. It's around my collarbone, I've had it since 2008. If you do have it, and it becomes noticeable, there are cosmetic skin treatments that easily disguise it.

As for other things that can cause paler skin patches, there are an absolute multitude of skin conditions ranging from fungal infections to dry skin. If it's only one patch then it's highly unlikely to be either vitiligo or any fungal infection.

It may simply be just a paler patch of skin that you've had your entire life but never noticed.

Catherine S
05-09-17, 18:19
Vitiligo can happen in fairer skinned people too, as any loss of pigment is noticeable no matter the skin colour, but I realise it's much more noticeable with darker skin. However, the only way to be certain of what's causing yours is to ask a professional. It may not be anything at all to worry about.

By the way, I realised after posting previously that I'd spelt vitiligo wrong and edited my post to correct the spelling, but of course it's still spelt wrong in your reply to me because of the quote. So apologies for that.

Cath S ☺