View Full Version : Unpasteurized orange juice

05-09-17, 01:33
I was just wondering what the chances of developing a foodborne illness is from drinking unpasteurized orange juice. I have a cup of it before I realized it was not pasteurized. Now I'm worried I'm going to develop salmonella or something terrible.

Has anyone else had unpasteurized orange juice. It was from a regular grocery store, not an unknown farmer or something off the grid.

05-09-17, 01:33
Surely they wouldn't be allowed to sell it if it was dangerous. I mean, it's not like it's a handgun.

05-09-17, 02:13
Some people drink unpasteurised milk over here, SE. It just carries some risks, mostly to those who could be open to harmful bacteria.

Same with this product. See what your FDA says, Caribou. If you aren't in an at risk group, you will probably be fine but it's a choice to live with as there is no guarantee with thos stuff. There are statistics out there if you need to check on that.


05-09-17, 02:14
My grandma used to drink unpasteurised milk, as I recall. She's 94.

05-09-17, 05:55
My grandma used to drink unpasteurised milk, as I recall. She's 94.

Both my grandparents drank unpasteurized milk,they lived till the ripe old age of 91 and 95,they also had home made butter and cheese,which my uncle still makes.
Why not juice your own oranges it tastes better and hasn't got the sugar content:D

05-09-17, 19:21
Thank you for responding

I've never actually had unpasteurized orange juice before - nor unpasteurized milk, apple cider, etc. I just hear of people who get really sick because they drink it since it's not treated and can contain harmful bacteria. I feel much better now.

06-09-17, 01:05
I know fresh squeezed at home is awesome so the question really is: Was it good? :)

Positive thoughts

06-09-17, 05:18
Both my grandparents drank unpasteurized milk,they lived till the ripe old age of 91 and 95,they also had home made butter and cheese,which my uncle still makes.
Why not juice your own oranges it tastes better and hasn't got the sugar content:D

Or what about pulverising into smoothies as juicing removes the pulp which contains all the fibre. If you remove the fibre juicing only contributes one a day to what they say we should get no matter how much you drink because of the fibre issue. I pulverise my fruit and that's better also because it breaks it down further than a juicer to release the phyto nutrients.

Just a word of caution though, you do have to remove the stones of certain fruit since pulverising breaks out the natural cyanide in certain fruits (the gut can't do this so you pass the stones harmlessly unbroken).

How many of us used to pick our own fruit from hedgeways? I used to do that with blackberries as a kid. And what about those who grow their own stuff? My GF does some of that...she makes good jam! :yesyes:

People have started buying unpasteurised milk again as it said to be healthier. Shops have started stocking it.

06-09-17, 08:19
I always drank unpasteurized milk growing up,nothing wrong with me:wacko: other than being called a mad cow.:D.We had a Mulberry tree,mum made the best pies. I have one of those ninja bullets and it pulverises, I love beetroot and orange juice...mmm.Terry send over some of that home made jam :yesyes: